Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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Continued Series

Book of Wisdom: Part Seven

Hannah was about to pick up the book, then decided better of it. Her eyebrows dropped, narrowing over her blue eyes. "Or else what?" she asked...

by hob51
Ailemea Smiled: Part Five

"WE DID IT WE DID IT WE DID IT!" She began to dance around and jump and leap. Mimi and I watched her blearily before looking at each other and agreeing she had gone insane...

by jeanaet
Waiting for Anna: Part Five

"I'm not going to ask you to interfere," Anna lies. She does not let go of her hope that she can convince them to stop the war. After all, the two kings are brothers. King Hagan must have some idea of what is going on in Meridell...

by extreme_fj0rd
Faded Memories #1: Forgotten Princess - Part Four

Navaleen felt guilt rise in her throat. She could tell Fyora thought she didn't trust her. Neither girl had ever kept something from the other. The truth was, Navaleen had been so caught up with her fencing lessons that she hadn't thought to tell Fyora...

by kit_3_3_3
The New Prophecy: Part Four

After finding a seat (one which a "generous" Uni had given up to her after being threatened to be turned into a pile of soot), Jhudora sat down in the surprisingly comfortable ice chairs...

by vanessa1357924680
Let Darkness Fall: Part Three

"You were great once," said the Faerie, walking forward with sinister majesty. "You could be great again..."

by feriku
Stuck: Part Three

Surprisingly enough, the pound wasn't too intimidating after all. The first night was easily the worst. I got Jellied Eyeballs for dinner, one of the creepiest foods I had ever seen...

by silent_snow
Abandoned: Part Two

"Yes, my mother was horrified when I told her she had to buy a Uni Morphing Potion and a Pink Paint Brush, but what was she going to do? She didn't really have a choice!"

by goldenpaw
The Travels of Mijjol Lightwielder: Part Two

The young Mynci softened his gaze. "Yes, I was," he answered quietly, "but I had to leave him. It is my dream to become an adventurer, Sword-master! Won't you recommend a good weapon for me?"

by yoyote
No One Will Believe Them: Part Three

It took less than five seconds for the Symol king's guards to react. They were after him in a mad dash of waved swords and screaming insults. Cove had to think quickly...

by ayame_23
How Soup Saved Neopia: Part Two

Gargarox uttered a muffled groan and opened his eyes. He suddenly realized his head had been resting on a piece of Scrambled Eggplant while he slept...

by tessie_doodle_
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"The Color of Hope" by kirsche474
Speaking of pet types... it was time to go adopt her dream pet! She was about to walk out the door, but she stopped, her hand inches from the door handle. Was she really ready to go out there and make a first impression on a pet that would stay with her for all time?

Other Stories


Teaching Tanya
"Hey! Who are you and what have you done with our teacher?!" she shouted in mock horror...

by sooooocute5


The Color of Hope
Speaking of pet types... it was time to go adopt her dream pet! She was about to walk out the door, but she stopped, her hand inches from the door handle. Was she really ready...

by kirsche474


Yooyus in the Air: Why the Altador Cup was Delayed
The smell of loaded hot dogs and fruit-filled slushies wafts across the crowd. Suddenly, the raging spectators grow quiet as the colosseum darkens and the center ring opens on the field below....

by micrody


Altador Cup Scenes: An Interview With Gordo Gunnels
I played a couple of practice games, but didn't manage to make it to the final five. But I told myself not to give up...

by mazoku_kuiin


Life is a Playground! - The new Hat...
The new Hat...

by larenchan


Clear as Mud: Altador Cup
My loyalty for a cookie!

by spirit033v2

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