A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 135,380,866 Issue: 275 | 19th day of Sleeping, Y9
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Short Stories

The Heart

Gloria was Sepia's only friend who, like her, was unpainted. Gloria was a blue Cybunny who lived a few blocks away from Sepia, and she shared the same ceaseless desire for a Faerie paint brush...

by reggieman721
A Lesson in Thanks

Kate could not help but notice her owner had begun to look increasingly edgy and nervous. "Kate, there is something I have to tell you," her owner began...

by ozzy3190
Stuck in the SDB

Kira was a plushie Anubis. She had once been living in the Lost Desert, until the vacation that changed her life...

by roxy_star88

By Silver

by czenko28
A Different Kind of Present

Amber grinned. "Sure, Dana!" she said cheerfully. There was such warmth in the air, such great feelings of love and family. It was hard to imagine that she had ever been so afraid of these pets...

by bananas_and_cream
He Plays Guitar

"Oh, this thing?" The Nimmo took the object off his back and held it in front of the Usul to see up close. "It's called a guitar..."

by lovetheyardstick
Rules of the House

"Fine, then, run about, do what you will, but, please, allow me time to write..."

by micrody
Rejection: Natalia's Story

"Who say ya'll got nothin'?" came a voice from behind her...

by ugotabkidinme741
Love Will Find A Way

Dr. Frank Sloth approached his latest hapless victim, a small, unconscious Gruslen...

by sarahleeadvent
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"Unforgotten" by czenko28
I made my way to the front door to go out into the streets to maybe find a more interesting story than what I could find at home. I could not imagine writing a story about my own family. The newest headline: "How Silver Couldn't Get an Interview." Like that would ever make it into the press. I opened my front door and started making my way out, but I bumped into something and fell..

Other Stories


Advanced Gummy Dice
Learn about the point system and tips and tricks as well as how to score more advanced combos in Attack of the Gummy Dice!

by stacigh


Lab Ray Rewards
I’m here today to talk about the Lab Ray. No, not the evils of it, but the benefits of it over the Training School (specifically the one on Mystery Island).

by philodox


Legacy of the Lost: Part One
"We two, the last of the Gold and the last of the Darigan, are the only ones to know of this group of islands..."

by kimssuperanimals


Amelie Wins The Battle: Part Two
"Quiet! Quiet! Yes, you at the back, that includes you, everyone, SHUT UP! My name's Lizzie, and I will be taking you for Battledome courses. Now, you are all on Grasshopper courses, but hopefully..."

by bethany4ever131


Kougra Comix

by teenagerobotfan777


Razzle Dazzle
Friend Bob

by khestrel

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