Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 186,904,174 Issue: 325 | 11th day of Sleeping, Y10
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Short Stories

The Trickster

Tricks are bad.

by taz_brandy
The Games Master

I had never really liked Aristotle A. Avinroo, and it was no secret...

by amanda_panda888
Not Another Pound Pet

"My name's 6312348965, what's your name?"

by blackiesilver
Astpyr and the Abandoned Jungle Detective Ray

There was a small blue orb sitting on top of the old issues. Actually, it hovered two inches over them. Occasionally, it threw off a spark. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen...

by qazx301

"I couldn't take care of him anymore..."

by champ100543
The Meepit Show: The Edge of Nowhere

I think Roan may have lost some of his brain capacity from the transportation...

by spoonguardonline
The Pound Life

There was no warmth in the pound; only a cool, bitter breeze that left Lavender shivering...

by emma_forney_is_here
A Water Faerie's Secret

I do have a name. It was not taken from me... exactly. Not being able to be known by my name is part of my penance...

by heartswishingstars

I've been Ylana Skyfire ever since. That's what everyone knows me as, fears me as, and respects me as. That's what Doctor Sloth addresses me as...

by rainbow_mist_wave
Domination 3

The Darkest Faerie frowned. "Why does the sun have to set for you to take over Neopia?"

by amwolford
The Secret Lab Card

The two pets were preparing for something very important. If they went about it the wrong way, the whole thing could go wrong. They needed to ask their sibling Jay for a favour...

by mystery_island111223
Familiar Consequences

With a sigh, he lifted the edge of the envelope up to a single fang and pulled, slicing the paper container open...

by puppy200010
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"Daydreams" by rainbow_mist_wave
My best friend, Doctor Frank Sloth. Species unknown, age unknown, motive not exactly known, gender un—oh, wait. If I make that faux pas again, he'll have my ear for payment. I'm not kidding; he does that sometimes. Well, he says he does. I know he likes sarcasm, though, so maybe it was all a lie...

Other Stories


Power Shake: The Smoothie Store Tuskaninny
So, my first interview. I decided to go for an "everyday hero" angle...

by flowerblossom_823


Double Painting Your Pets
Double painting is the act of painting your pets to acquire clothing then painting them a different color.

by jillian3_3


Storm at Sea: Part Three
Vivian was very uneasy. The electric Ixi sorceress whispered to Ivy, "Why haven't we seen any Dark Faeries?"

by saphira_27


Another Hero's Journey: Dreams - Part Three
The white Blumaroo nearly strained his neck as he looked all around him excitedly, taking in the clean marble walls, the paintings in gilded frames, tapestries...

by precious_katuch14


Mynci Madness
Peaches, peas, plums, pineaples, but no bananas?

by draizard


Dull Crayon: Ever have the feeling of being watched?
Slurp... slurp... slurp...

by hanna_xu

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