A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 185,672,359 Issue: 380 | 20th day of Awakening, Y11
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Short Stories

A Day in The Life of a Normal Bori

The Bori was tagging along, trying to help. He had been doing a decent job, too, until they reached the Haunted Woods.

by softlyfallingrain
The First Day

...I smiled as I sat up and stretched. My life was perfect.

by sinqua
Darigan Diaries

Presumably, because I'm Darigan, everyone would think I have no heart or something, that I'm just an emotionless statue – what a false accusation!

by tanyawebber
The Kiko Lake Vacation

He had a perfect view of Kiko Lake - the small, round houses with windows shaped like portholes, the dark edges of the forest, and the glass bottom boats...

by snokapfox
Zor and the Angel Blob

"Nothing's the matter," said the tiny Chia sullenly, ripping another piece off the grass.

by yoyote
Unbottled: The True Story of Balthazar

Balthazar's real origins are not as history recorded...

by alexmajor9
Dear Auyura

Our trip began in the treacherous jungle of my room. My energetic gallion, Keegan, helped me pack...

by fieryangel40
The Story of a Silent Prisoner

My name is Daer Farill. 

At least, it once was, for now my new name is simply Clop.

by dragonstorm_75

The Little Things That Count

I probably should have told him to let it go. I should have told him it was time to grow up...

by teddybearofdeath
Fooling Myself

There was something about fleafs, though... maybe because they were so miniscule, maybe because as soon as you saw one it jumped – vanished – and then you had no idea where it was.

by weaponstar
My First Day in Neopia

Today I entered the world of Neopia. No, I'm not a newly created pet or brand new item that's just been released. I'm a newbie, and this is my story.

by averryyy
Sasha's Paint Brush

"Oh no," Sasha murmured, eyes in wide in apprehension. The small Usul trembled with uncertainty as she slowly approached the Rainbow Pool.

by auntieziz
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"The Story of a Silent Prisoner" by dragonstorm_75
I still wish for freedom, ever wondering when Lord Darigan shall release me from my cold, unforgiving cell. I write my diary now, for two reasons. One is because I cannot speak, and two is because I want others to know of my plight, and what happened oh so many years ago that robbed me of my life and speech... I was once a noble, brave protector of the Darigan Citadel before its destruction...

Other Stories


To Lab Or Not To Lab
To lab or not to lab. That is a very important question to ask yourself before you go all out and buy those expensive secret map pieces.

by xxo_kacobs_oxx


How to Make a Great Petpage Game Guide
Guides are intended to provide their users with information or tips on various parts of Neopia.

by justlilly


An Unlikely Group of Heroes: Part Three
"What do you mean, it's closed?" a high-pitched voice screamed in the distance.

by _lapaix


The Sword of Brightvale: Part One
"A story about my family, but from a very, very long time ago, when Meridell had another king and court. A story of intrigue, deception, knights, but also of wit and intelligence."

by shadyy15


The "Cool" Life
Nothing like borovan!

by hotsid123


Ping Pong - A Load of Rubbish
Ever wondered where discarded items go?

by jo_and_soph

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