Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 173,432,373 Issue: 405 | 14th day of Hiding, Y11
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Short Stories

The Adventures of Daine - Telescreens and Skating

"Ten minutes. THIS MANY MINUTES, MOMMY!" The Ixi held up both of her hooves and shook them, totally unaware that she had no fingers.

by taipeiss
The Aisha and the S750 Kreludan Defender Robot


by goodsigns
Boomer's Tale

It knew, then, that it had been put away; but it didn't feel betrayed, for what does a robotic toy, mere plastic and circuits and metal, know of betrayal?

by essellyn
The Kacheek Club: Of Popstars and Coffee Cups

"I wonder what Xana's been up to these days," said Bridgette, tearing an advertisement for Raspberry Usuki Gumballs out of her magazine.

by jenlin_25
What Would You Wish For?

When celebi came up the stairs and asked them what book they wanted to have read to them, Othello immediately ran up...

by celebi797
Practically Sisters

"People don't understand. They just want to be better than others. The easiest way to do that is to push others down."

by taraneo96
Kai Vs. Deranxio: Part 1 1/2

The Xweetok ran back up the stairs and began pounding on the door of the basement, yelling, "Let me out already, Deli!"

Art by katopia12

by visorak_commander

Forever Family

She wanders through, looking at each individual pet. Finally, she stops in front of a little green Yurble.

by baina948
The Knight from Brightvale

Books could only get you so far – you needed a good trainer to get you further. Overseer Dagal was barely the type for such things.

by dragonstorm_75
Beautiful Brightvale: Here's to Eleven Years!

Ok. It's ok! Don't panic, Nequl. You can do this. Just breathe.

by nerdytiger
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"The Knight from Brightvale" by dragonstorm_75
Now that Brightvale was calling to arms, he felt as if his wish had come true with flying colors, but when he started his training, he was thoroughly disappointed. Mainly because the Overseer was as capable with a mace as a turdle, but also because he was so inexperienced that he once cut a braid of hair from his training partner during an exercise...

Other Stories


The Top (and bottom) TCGs
Have you always wanted to know which TCGs were most expensive? How about which TCGs were the least expensive?

by karinche


A Basic Guide To Capsules
Why it's so great, what to look for when deciding what to buy, capsules of special interest, and, you know, all that good stuff.

by jas7229


Issue 400: A Confession - Part Six

"Which one?"

Also by sariphe

by chocolateisamust


Shattered Sunlight: Part Two
"Kiko Lake was destroyed two days ago."

by kittengriffin


Picky Eater
W-what's that smell?

by _rrbutton_


the dark side
problems with medicines

by vira8

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