Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 543 | 4th day of Hunting, Y14
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Short Stories

Talents Yearned And Lessons Learned

The Bori’s voice is steady, calm, and downright annoying.

by pastichine
A Frightening Adventure

A foul stench hung in the air. Perhaps it was the thick green fog or the damp rotting leaves on the ground. Kejolica couldn't be sure...

by amsurito
Uni Rivalry

As I sat in the waiting room of the Sakhmet Hospital with my owner, I was worried. A friend of mine was badly hurt, and to make matters worse...

by blackghoulmon
Season of Beauty

It was a beautiful spring morning, and even the Haunted Woods seemed less murky. Spring is the best time to start anything new, the Acara mused...

by isthishappening

What's a disinterested Gelert to do with neoschool?

by lux_aeterna1234
The Greatest Treasure

"Steady now, steady!" Alia shouted towards the uneasy crewmembers. "It's only a little wind..."

by yummysweetz92
Abandoned: A Christmas Homecoming

Lei's owner has just come back from a hiatus. Angel has been alone in the pound for years. Can they become a family?

by espeonrocks24
A Haunted Woods Trip

"I don't want to go to the Haunted Woods!' I complained, crossing my little Baby Grundo arms.

by warriorsrock965
The Snowager's Friend

My name is Melinda, and I live with the Snowager.

by 7_candy_girl_7
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"Hiding the Clockwork Negg" by seiya_from_ashes
"I place the utmost trust in all of you, to keep your oath of secrecy in this matter, and to carry out your duties. I give to you now these five neggs, and I will let you all decide which ones you would prefer to take and where you would like to take them..."

Other Stories


Interview with Pry
An exclusive in-depth interview with Terror Mountain Captain Prytariel!

by 16draw33ia


‘Teeming’ to Catch up with the Altador Cup!
The spring season brings with it the much-awaited Altador Cup (AC) pre-season recruitment and training and all AC fans are holding their breaths for another spectacular tournament...

by ritwik_291194


Enchanted Stories: Adventure in Brightvale - Part Two
"Oh, you are the adventures from Meridell who said that they could bring my daughter back?" he guessed tiredly.

"We are at your service, your highness. We will do our utmost to help you," I replied.

by kristykimmy


Can You Remember?: Part One
"That's so unfair! You have got to be the worst owner ever!"

by allison_kitty11


Hope it's a long spring!

by ghostkomorichu


No Pain No Gain
La la la!

by muzikbox

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