Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,384,943 Issue: 309 | 14th day of Gathering, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The words we speak to others often contain counsel we are trying to give ourselves.

Chocolate Ball!

A buzz of excitement is in the air. Hordes of Neopians are walking toward the one, the only, Annual Chocolate Ball. Most are turned away at the door, for they have no invitation (granted only to the best of Neopia) in their paws, hands, or hooves. This reporter has managed to grab an invite from an innocent passerby (it was all in the name of journalism!), and is now standing inside the Chocolate factory...

Mouseless Gaming

The first thing to know is that lacking a mouse (or a reliable one) is not the end of the world. Far from it. There are plenty of games that don't require a broad range of motion or dexterity with your cursor! A lot of the older games, for example, are great ways to earn that precious NP. (And we all know how much you need it, what with inflation and all.) Meerca Chase, a classic game that was recently...

More Wacky Neoschool Excuses

Let me ask you this: how many times have you tried "My Puppyblew ate my homework"? NO MORE. *waves banishing stick* You need something that's just crazy enough and believable on top of that. Without further ado, I present seven creative and original Neoschool excuses. Excuse #1 - "I was late for Neoschool because I flew into a tree." If you're not a flier, then simply say you ran into a tree. Or...

Other Stories
"Kidnapped" by jinnie77park
She gagged on the Hot Chocolate she was drinking and spit it on the floor dangerously close to my feet. I giggled under my breath and took my stuff. I looked around me once outside. Faerieland really was a wonderful place, you know. That is, until somebody grabbed me from behind and everything blacked out...

"I Have Hope" by shadow_sabre_
"Mom left a huge pile of pancakes on the kitchen table! Jake's stuffing himself silly, of course, but she left a note on the table telling us to help ourselves! This is great!” I was confused. Our owner had left us a note? Usually she sat at the table every morning with us, and moderated how much food we took...

"Adventures of Hungry Skeith: Hunt for the Candychan" by twocent
Cakes and ice creams sufficed just fine at the factory, but they lack that pepperminty goodness that I so crave. And the Candychan will fulfill all my minty desires, beyond all my wildest dreams. At least that is what Florg said, and he spends all day eating petpets, so he would know...

Handling Background Checks Since Y9

This week's issue is brought to you by: Mystical Surroundings
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Kadoatery Khronicles: Part One
"Look! There's the Kadoatery! Doesn't it look nice?" Ciasa said loudly as she stopped in front of the building. The Kadoatie didn't quite think so...

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Imperial Exam: Passing the Cut
The gameplay is pretty easy. A speech bubble will appear above the Neopian at the front of the line. Inside that speech bubble will be a word...

by gooie629


Normal is Overrated

by tamarainian_girl


Why the Meteor Really Leaves!
At least he left an I.O.U.

by sarah_is_cool_times2


Hilarious Hissi
Don't wanna say "I told you so," but... I told you so.

by baby_everything

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