Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 192,783,880 Issue: 662 | 12th day of Gathering, Y16
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Continued Series

Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Four

"We'd better be ready โ€“ gravity will be light, but this landing's still going to be rough."

by saphira_27
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Of Beauty and Brawn - Part Four

"Do not engage," Loraine's voice ordered over the communicator. "Keep tabs on both as inconspicuously as possible, but do not engage. Backup is coming."

by kristykimmy
The Lost Child: Part Two

"Who is this kid?" Lure asked, waving one hand vaguely at Angela.

"She's a Torch," Vicki said, wondering if omitting her surname originally had been a slip-up...

by 77thbigby

Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part Three

Today was the day; the day he would seek his revenge.

by absdafabs
Run on The Neopoint: Part Two

Mr. Keiths couldn't believe his eyes. He had always considered the Stock Market to be a very safe place...

by rider_galbatorix
Legal Legend: Turnabout Beginnings - Part Three

We exited the courtroom for the recess. Charlie and I needed to talk to our client before court reconvened...

by anti_guy
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"A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing" by dogz_rock_98
Sierra wove her way through the maze of carts and kiosks in the Sakhmetan square. She locked her eyes on a dark, beige cloaked figure, the figure almost blending in with the sand in the shadows. The brown Xweetok picked up her pace a little as she followed it. The...

Other Stories


The Zebie Show
"Well, I know how much you like Zebies, and I wanted to tell you that there is a Zebie show coming up. I thought you might like to enter your own Zebie."

by goodsigns


Cocoa Beans
The clearest incident he could remember was when he first put a handful of chocolate in his mouth as his owner giggled and asked for his opinion.

by sampleneopian


Coal War Tactics โ€“ Things Are Heating Up In Neovia
Come explore another of the deep tunnels stretching under Neovia โ€“ this time the Grand Neovian Mine.

by inthebeginning01


Economic Impact of Habitarium Closure
Economically it is a very good thing it is being retired.

by kieronstoff


The Kadoatery - #2
Although we love the Kadoaties and their silly names, the Kads themselves may feel differently...

by khakio_21


Completely Smart - CHOCOLATE?!
The Annual Chocolate Ball!

by ms_meepit

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