Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,912,876 Issue: 669 | 14th day of Storing, Y16
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Continued Series

Agent of the Sway: Departure - Part Six

"We have located the devices Xandra asked us for," the Duchess announced. "We have altered the plan slightly given her brief on how the artefacts work..."

by herdygerdy
Children of the Lonely Stars: Part Eleven

Diamal merely raised her hand and pointed. A swirl of magic, a feeling of vertigo, and the top of the spire was simple gone...

by saphira_27
A Little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Part Eight

Sierra wove her way through the busy marketplace, hoping to blend in with the crowd. She quickly scribbled a SOS message to the Seekers and sent it off with a nearby weewoo...

by dogz_rock_98
Worth Searching For: Part Seven

Pharazon didn't dare blink, afraid that once he closed his eyes, the magic would break and the fruits floating above his head would crash down on him.

by cosmicfire918
The Expedition of Walter Wesley: Part Seven

The pair of lights glowed green with fury, the claws were ready to slash, and the mass of fur waved in the wind. Dr Wesley curiously moved forward...

by 2_andromeda_8
The Lonely Stranger: Part Seven

When you added all the broken shards of memories I still had together, it equaled me. I was an okay person, I guess.

by aircraftcarriers
Full Moon: Part Six

The dizzying heights of the top floor taunted Res as he tightened his grip on the crumbling facade of the tower. He dared not look at the ground below...

by xxskyisfallingxx
The Obsidian Sword: An Unusual Quest

I've gone maybe a quarter mile when I stumble upon an overgrown trail. I almost passed it right by. I would have, if Stephen hadn't smacked me in the head and pointed at it.

by lizzy_beth_750551
Lupe Pack Detectives-Counterfeit: Part Two

It was on the third day when a letter from Virtupets arrived with our daily mail from Cirrus. Knowing how important it was to the investigation, I quickly opened the envelope...

by lupe_hunter_7
The Necromancer: Part Five

"A sorcerer, 'unstable to a degree,' with 'dangerous personality traits'. Where could anything go wrong?"

by jokerhahaazzz
One Shred of Light: Part Four

"You heard me, Magax!" she shouted. "Come in before you catch your death of cold or go away to do it where I don't have to see your stupid face!"

by kristykimmy
Of Menaces, Hopes and Icky Space Food: Part Three



The Meepits nodded with satisfaction.

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

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"Today is the Day" by shadyy15
After slamming my fist on the alarm clock, I forcefully rub the sleep from my eyes. "Today is the day," I whisper confidently. "Today is the day." I throw back the covers and bound to my feet. Walking towards the window I pull back the hangings and observe the street below...

Other Stories


Usuki Singing Stars #22: Grade School Rivals
"My name is Ms. Una, and I will be your first grade teacher. I hope all of you are eager to begin your very first class in the NSOD!"

by downrightdude


Friday Game Night
For those who are unaware of the King of Cards origin, his story began on a particular Friday game night...

by vanquishee


A Happy Birthday!
Ah... November 15th. It is time for that special day of the year. Balloons, cakes, gifts and so much more fun (not to mention that theme that always makes you feel like a child)!

by alexrider4568


White Weewoos: The Ideal Petpet
There are hundreds of petpets out there in Neopia, all perfectly worthy of being your beloved Neopet's new petpet. But how do you go about choosing the right one for your pet?

Also by drobit

by bha288


The Goofers - Party Pooper, finale
Conditions are that he doesn't talk and doesn't walk...

by lintsuf


Off-Season Life: Day Jobs
Here's your ice cream.

Written by parody_ham

by fhujmasterofhedgehog

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