The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 192,587,585 Issue: 654 | 18th day of Swimming, Y16
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Short Stories

One Last Chance

"I will not run from a prophecy!" he snarled hoarsely...

by precious_katuch14
Defenders Origins - Judge Hog

The muscular Moehog stared at the blue lantern in the center of the room as it gently flickered.

by herdygerdy
It Takes a Hero

On a quiet, ordinary summer's day, a white Usul sat crossed-legged at the library's circulation desk...

by parody_ham
The Resistance

"This is a drill. Please go to the nearest supervised classroom immediately," the pre-recorded voice on the PA system suddenly blared obnoxiously.

by dogz_rock_98
Jeran: Guardian of Meridell

"I've never really babysat before," Jeran admitted, looking at the small child.

by vanessa1357924680
Better Men

The first thing the Darkest Faerie ever did for King Altador was save his life.

by tamora_pierce62
Agent of Resistance

"You'll be recruiting me for this job? I'll do it," the Scout answered unhesitatingly.

by yin_yin_7
Role Model

"We're not perfect. Call us heroes and role models if you want, but at the end of it all, we're just people."

by blueys45
The Pursuit of Greatness

Night patrol. It was the time when all the bustle and lustre of Brightvale was lost to a cloak of darkness and an eerie silence that seemed to hum with possible threats.

by dhullu

Even villains can be heroic... when the situation calls for it.

by stararan
The Protagonist

Nothing. "Curses!" he wailed to no one in particular. It should have been here! He had placed it here! What would be the fate of Neopia now?

by rielcz
Hero Hot Dog

In the beginning, he was just an ordinary hot dog, destined to be lathered in ketchup, mustard and relish, and greedily eaten by a hungry Neopet.

by marzipan
A Light Among Us

The mote was barely strong enough to brighten the rest of his bag containing all his other mote creations.

"Another failure," he sighed under his breath.

by nocturnal_ned

Sophie's Apprentice

You gotta know one thing: I don't give quests.

by madame_pretentious97
Tsewil and the Hero's Path

Rambling along the country lane that traversed his farm, Tsewil the Asparagus Chia shielded his eyes as he scanned the fields.

by peirigill
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"A Light Among Us" by nocturnal_ned
Up until two weeks ago, the village had been running smoothly as usual. Bordering Meridell and Meri Acres Farms, the small pocket of land was an often overlooked farming community. With such a tiny population, however, everyone had their own jobs and the village managed to sustain itself well. But all of a sudden everything went black. For some reason, the Darigan Citadel...

Other Stories


How To Interview A Superhero
You'd be surprised what you can do with mountains of yarn, a hazmat suit and a vacuum hose.

by thedoggirl_97


Heroes' Thoughts On Villain’s Favorites
It's a lot safer to ask a hero for their thoughts on villains than the other way around...

by pikachu315111


Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part One
Norman shook his head and sighed, cursing his luck. Why, oh why, had they sent him instead of some other Grooming Parlour worker to fetch the Super Conditioner from the storage area?!

by flufflepuff


The Flight of Faerieland: Part One
Queen Fyora sat at a round table, across from Lord Darigan. The leaders did not make eye contact and there was not a bit of conversation.

by black_skull725


Thieves Are Funny Too
Brynn, I was thinking...

Idea by surath

by trubiekatie


Odd Logic- Another Way To Enjoy Tea
Any one else notice the empty cup is never left?

by catt315

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