10 Recipes for Hidden Tower Items by medanteth
Do you want your pet to own in the Battledome, but just can’t afford those expensive
Hidden Tower items? Then this is the guide for you! For less than 3500 NP, you
will be able to make any one of ten Hidden Tower items, all by yourself! Simply
follow these instructions, and your pets will be Battledome masters in no time!
All prices shown below (with the exception of Hidden Tower item prices, which
are taken directly from the Hidden Tower) are approximated, with the aid of
the shop wizard, at the time of writing. Quiggle Scissors and a Learn-To-Paint
Set are recommended to make most of the items below. The cost to make each item
does not include these items.
1. Weapon: Carrotblade
Hidden Tower Cost: 8,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 700 NP
How To Make It: You will need a carrot (300 NP) and a chocolate ghostkersword
(400 NP). Stick the carrot onto the pointy end of the sword. Sharpen two sides
of the carrot with your quiggle scissors. For a slightly more expensive, but
smellier version (not available in the Hidden Tower, or anywhere else, for that
matter) use a rotten carrot, costing 1000 NP.
2. Weapon: Bagguss Bomb
Hidden Tower Cost: 1,750,000 NP
Your Cost: 301 NP
How To Make It: You will need a mechaberry bomb (300 NP) and a bagguss (1
np). Cut a hole in the top of the bagguss. Scoop out the insides, insert the
mechaberry bomb, and replace the top of the bagguss. Carve a face in one side
of the bagguss for extra ‘splosion power.
3. Weapon: Asparachucks
Hidden Tower Cost: 8,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 3100 NP
How To Make It: You will need some asparagus (3000 NP) and a seasonal yoyo
(100 NP). Cut the string off the yoyo using your quiggle scissors. Attach each
end of the string to the stalk of a piece of asparagus. You may need to cut
the yoyo string a little shorter, and you will likely have some asparagus left
over, so you may as well make more than one. Warning: Do not attempt to use
against Adam, as he controls all asparagus; therefore your plan would backfire,
and you’d probably just end up hurting yourself.
4. Weapon: Rainbow Clockwork Grundo
Hidden Tower Cost: 3,400,000 NP
Your Cost: 3150 NP
How To Make It: You will need a clockwork icy skeleton (150 NP) and a buzzer
clay sculpture set (3000 NP). Use the clay from the sculpture set to turn the
clockwork icy skeleton into a clockwork grundo shape. Let the clay harden. Use
your learn-to-paint set to paint it rainbow. If you want, you can even paint
it your own way to make an uber clockwork grundo.
5. Weapon: Slorg Flakes
Hidden Tower Cost: 750,000 NP
Your Cost: 1010 NP
How To Make It: You will need a springy green slorg (1000 NP) and a nice container
(10 NP). Cut up the slorg with your quiggle scissors. Put the pieces in the
nice container. You could use an empty healing potion flask as your container.
If you wish, use a learn-to-paint set to paint the outside of the container
to look like the real thing. Note: I would assume a real slorg would work better,
but I didn’t try it because I wanted to avoid a lawsuit...er...I mean...because
that would be cruel and I didn’t want to hurt the slorgs. Yeah.
6. Weapon: Werelupe Claw Necklace
Hidden Tower Cost: 8,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 100 NP
How To Make It: You will need a seasonal yoyo (100 NP) and a werelupe friend
(priceless). Cut the string off the yoyo. Then invite your friend over for a
sleep-over. When they fall asleep, cut off two of their claws with your quiggle
scissors. Poke holes in the claws, and string them on the yoyo string. Tie the
ends of the string together. Get out of town before your werelupe friend wakes
7. Weapon: Yoyo of Death
Hidden Tower Cost: 8,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 100 NP
How To Make It: You will need a seasonal yoyo (100 NP). Paint your yoyo to
look like a yoyo of death, using your learn-to-paint set. Look in the hidden
tower if you don’t know what a yoyo of death looks like. Show off your owning
yoyo skills to all your friends.
8. Weapon: Radish Bow
Hidden Tower Cost: 2,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 1950 NP
How To Make It: You will need a radish (600 NP), a wooden mop (1000 NP),
a seasonal yoyo (100 NP), and a forest arrow (250 NP). Take the end off the
mop, so you have a wooden stick. You may need to cut it, and shave it down so
it’s both thinner and shorter. Quiggle scissors may not be sharp enough for
this, so it is recommended that you get something better. Cut the string off
your yoyo, and trim it so it’s a bit shorter than your mop handle. Attach the
string to each end of the mop handle, to make a bow. Stick the radish on your
arrow, so that the bottom end of the radish is facing foreward. If you wish,
paint the rest of the arrow green, to match the leaves of the radish. Sharpen
the radish tip with your quiggle scissors. Fire at will.
9. Weapon: Meuka Snot Gloves
Hidden Tower Cost: 4,350,000 NP
Your Cost: 900 NP
How To Make It: You will need a pair of padded acara gloves (900 NP) and a
friend who has the sneezles. Get your friend to sneeze, or blow his or her nose
on your gloves until they are sufficiently covered in mucus. Remember to wash
your hands after each use.
10. Weapon: Battle Dung
Hidden Tower Cost: 5,000,000 NP
Your Cost: 1 np
How To Make It: Use real dung! (For starry dung, paint your dung using your
learn-to-paint set. For rancid dung, leave your dung in a sunny spot in your
neogarden while you go on holiday for a few weeks.
I am well aware that I have only described how to make ten of the many hidden
tower items. If your heart is set on an item that I don’t mention in this guide,
I’m very sorry to disappoint. However, I encourage you to use your imagination
and come up with your own creations. Remember- You can do it... the shop wizard
can help. Cheers.
Disclaimer: Any or all of the above methods may or may not work for you. Neither
the writer, nor www.neopets.com should be held responsible for failure of these
“weapons” to work like the real thing.