There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Growing Pains

by jvpcelebi

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Simply Silly
Paint brushes seem to be too expensive these days...

by yoyogirl993


The Tower Journey: Part Two
"Ha! Is that the best you have, Thade? I have come to claim the items, and then I shall leave you in peace! Now, where is theā€¦ Sword of Skardsen?"

by neonick19881988


Fun with Grammar
"We are going to have a grammar school, Pat, and when we are done you won't be able to write a wrong sentence!"

by hottamale0774


Gilbert the Poogle: Part Three
"Don't be so sad, Gilbert," Ruby tried her best to console the wailing Poogle. "It isn't your fault for not being adept at games. Um, how about your owner? She would have enough Neopoints to spend."

by scarletrhapsody

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