White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Whiteout: Part One

“I’m sorry, mister, I didn’t know, I … I mean I didn’t mean to. It’s just your diary was fascinating … I mean, I’m sorry,” I stammered.

by scarrift
Telltale the Darigan Dancer: Part One

Many of a tale tell about the circlet; how it is encrusted by a special hypnotic power, how it burns fiercely in the hands of the holder, or in this case the head...but why?

by cruzerchic123
A Storybook Tale: Part One

"Have fun with what?" Lexicae thought, quite confused. "Oh well, a free book... I won't complain."

by shadowcristal
The Woes of an Avatar Pet: Part One

"But what is this place that she wants me to go to?" I asked Cassie shyly. "Why should I go?"

by precious_katuch14
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"Wet Paint" by Charmedhorses
Ramoose grimaced and was about to speak up again when SeaZ0ne said, "Back to what I was saying. Our Neohome's looking a little ragged."...

Other Stories


Wet Paint
Ramoose grimaced and was about to speak up again when SeaZ0ne said, "Back to what I was saying. Our Neohome's looking a little ragged."

by charmedhorses


Fire and Water: A Rivalry Revisited
The water faerie gasped in outrage. "You're just jealous because you know I'm better than you at everything, even harnessing the magic bestowed upon us!"

by precious_katuch14


I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch of Guild Invites, There They are Flooding Up my Neomail Inbox-Long Ones, Short Ones...
It’s an useful thing to have, yet it won’t take the rubbish out. Instead rudely expects you to take that yourself. But can you expect more from Neomail?

by plushieowner


Neopia: A Material World
I ask you, when did Neopets become about hours and hours of training for your tired pet to become ruler of the Battledome? When did it become more important to buy paintbrushes than good food and toys?

by ampolin1


Sloth on the Rox
The Seven Ages of Sloth (Part 2)

by plushieowner


Dont Blame ME
Much better!

by choclated

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