Meow Circulation: 98,662,396 Issue: 167 | 19th day of Storing, Y6
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Dont Blame ME

by choclated

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Find a Career in Brightvale
If your little darling wants to pull up stakes and migrate to Brightvale, sit it down for a few moments to talk about what life will be like when you get there.

by fjcormier


Neopia: A Material World
I ask you, when did Neopets become about hours and hours of training for your tired pet to become ruler of the Battledome? When did it become more important to buy paintbrushes than good food and toys?

by ampolin1


Run Away to Knighthood: Part Six
No one could see the Lupe brush a tear away from his own eyes. Suddenly they all heard a scream.

by precious_katuch14


Sloth on the Rox
The Seven Ages of Sloth (Part 2)

by plushieowner

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