Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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by meowth4

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Great stories!


Boo! It's the Ghost JubJub!
Is there such a thing?

Also by cookytree

by gloss_frozen


Trick or Treat Night, 113 Terror Lane
Clutching your master's hand, you muster all of your strength, all of your reserve, and call out in a strong decisive voice "trick or treat."

by sniggy102


Toto and Turtum Halloween Special
"A Full Belly"

by huggsy_666


100 Ways to Annoy Royals
I have 20 ways each for 5 royals. Enjoy the annoyance, your majesty!

by hiyakumbar

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