Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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Getting Accepted Into The Neopian Times

Don’t write about something that has been written to death.

by dragonfire1722
Tour the Haunted Woods - On Halloween!

You know the Haunted Woods can be a very, very dangerous place at night –insert evil laugh here-. I think the best place to begin is the beginning. But where is the beginning?

by kittyai
Safety First! A Neopets Guide To Halloween

Now, if your pets are going to be Trick-Or-Treating, like many (including mine!) will be, there are some safety precautions you and your Neo-family should all go over to make sure you make the most out of this fun holiday.

by scottsangeljean
How to Greet Neopian Celebrities

What would you do if you ever met one? Well, today we’ll look at several ways of greeting a Neopian celeb.

by shadowcristal
Getting Freaked over Korbat's Lab!

Are you aiming for that sparkling trophy or that insanely funny-looking avatar, but just can't seem to concentrate on bouncing that silly ball the right way?

by terryshade
The Bookstore Book Reviews... For the Third Time!

Krawk Pot Recipes - Making dishes with Krawk Pots, whatever those are...

by precious_katuch14
100 Stinkin, Cheesy, Rejected Neopian Times Titles

Titles can make a big difference when writing an article or a series or a comic or a short story!

by blubblub317
Oh No! The _______ Are Attacking!

9. Kadoaties, they are CONSTANTLY asking for draik eggs. Really, there's got to be something behind that...

by baby_kitty2000
Brains, Legs, Snot, Body Parts, Oh My!

There are many wonderful and exotic foods in Neopia, but there are a certain group of foods that are plainly gross and disgusting...

by sparky63428
50 Cheap Halloween Costumes for your Neopet

33.) A sludgy. Just cover them in mud and don’t let them take a bath for a few weeks and they have a completely icky looking and smelling sludgy costume.

by frozen_fire_dragon
Hannah and the Ice Caves (TCG) Expansion

A storm is brewing over Terror Mountain, and it’s going to be a rough one! Why not stay out of the storm and join Hannah deep in the Ice Caves for an adventure?

by neopian_queen_liana
A Guide to Halloween: Neopian Style

For those Neopians who are hopelessly lost on how to go about creating the best costume, planning the coolest party, or simply decorating for those cute little trick-or-treaters, I am here to help!

by angeldustrial
Lifestyles of the Affluent and Illustrious - The Tax Beast

I thought it would be appropriate for this week’s article to feature an interview with a certain creature that first appeared during this time of year, one that nearly all Neopians have seen in pictures and stories but no one really knows that much about...

by slamina83
100 Ways to Annoy Royals

I have 20 ways each for 5 royals. Enjoy the annoyance, your majesty!

by hiyakumbar
75 Ways To Get Rid Of That Tombola Junk

Every day we go to the Tombola man hoping for a faerie or codestone, but all we get is sand or a rock. Don’t worry, Jen (me) will help!

by oceanwoman2000
65 Reasons: Why Sloth ISN'T Evil

Yes, I do think that he really IS evil...

by meridell_army_dude
Edna: More Than A Witch

Who is she? She's a witch, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she's a mean witch.

by get_a_life10
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"Of Potions and Power" by jade_steel
Aangharad had originally shied away from the solution. She was always wary of potions, ever since the incident with Them...

Other Stories


Costume Perfection
All the way to her Neohome Indipsi thought of the upcoming holiday. Halloween was only a week away and though Indipsi had read many stories, the truth was that she didn't have any costume ideas.

by charmedhorses


One Crazy Halloween Night
"Umm . . . hi . . . well, we got kind of lost out in the dark," she gestured toward the street. "D-do you think you could tell us where Bread Lane is?"

by michjen119


Baby Lupe, Red Gelert, Red Gelert, Baby Lupe: Part Three
"Fine. He is NOT my brother -- he's a Lupe you happened to adopt, on one of your strange ideas!"

by neonick19881988


Run Away to Knighthood: Part Three
"Look!" shouted Fluffy. "Come on, that could be Angel, playing hide-and-seek again! Let's go!"

by precious_katuch14


Warning: Insanity Ahead #2
Show some EFFORT!

by mrs_fluff


Halloween Kiko Adventures
This is fun!!

by k_aren_z

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