The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 110,013,549 Issue: 158 | 20th day of Gathering, Y6
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Cherished Memories

by 69crazy_horse69

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Perpetual Bond
"You know I don't like to have to hide you when I go to school but…I can't let the girls know I'm a twin! I mean, there are hardly any twins in Neopia…people stare at us when we walk down the street, for Fyora's sake!"

by erileen


Petpetsitter - The Guide
Petpetsitter is a game that has fun involved in it. The point of the game is to make Petpets feel happy with their needs.

by travelerofneopia


Sane Asylum
What did you say?

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A (Lab) Ray Of Hope
This is it, he thought, this is my chance to change. I won't have to be called ugly any more … everything rides on this…

by spotthechelsey

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