Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 110,013,549 Issue: 158 | 20th day of Gathering, Y6
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30 Neopian Items That You’ll Never See

If you thought blue furry negg, ferocious negg, and witchy negg to be weird, be thankful these don’t exist!

by cuckoo102
Auctioning Tips... By the Dozen!

Upon entering you spot the item you've been saving up for for the longest time, and hurry over to place your bet. Only a few seconds later another, higher, bid has been placed!

by cocoaqueen66
Petpetsitter - The Guide

Petpetsitter is a game that has fun involved in it. The point of the game is to make Petpets feel happy with their needs.

by travelerofneopia
My Own Theme Day

I thought I would tell you all the wonderful, magnificent, superb, outstanding, fantastic things about my FAVOURITE vegetable: tomatoes.

by tinybaby_orange1
The Importance of Good and Evil

What would happen to Neopia if we didn't have them? Would we be happy? Or would it be really boring?

by platinumprincess99
FACE OFF: Turmy vs. Wormy

Considering the Neopian Times was (and still is) filled with articles, comics, and short or long stories on the Snowager -- it seemed only fair to include maybe just a little bit of the Turmaculus, as well.

by faeriegurl4lyfe
Petpet Colors

So, you’re one of the many Neopians out there looking for the perfect petpet for your pet? Well, you’re the only one who can decide that, but here are a few suggestions that I think would look nice.

by trappedelements
Plushie Tycoon Game Guide

I know that most people think Plushie Tycoon is a very complicated and time consuming game. The thing is, it's not that complicated.

by whackslaps_revenge
Gossip Time with King Hagan!

We’re so excited to have you all here because we’re one of the few who have actually gotten the chance to interview the newest king in Neopia, King Hagan the Fat!

by blubblub317
All Day Long, You Think About Sloth!

Lets play a mentally stimulating game with you, my precious reader!

by plushieowner
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"Perpetual Bond" by erileen
"You know I don't like to have to hide you when I go to school but…I can't let the girls know I'm a twin!...

Other Stories


Bringing Home The Gold
Beads of sweat formed on Tyrin the Kougra's head as he carefully moved the loop around the wire. Just an inch more until the end, he thought. Just one inch more... and he could get a gold trophy on this game...

by jeaniesofatso


A (Lab) Ray Of Hope
This is it, he thought, this is my chance to change. I won't have to be called ugly any more … everything rides on this…

by spotthechelsey


Finding Kourage: Part Three
Maieben's shoulders sagged under the weight of so much advice that she couldn't make out. It was frustrating, the whole process.

by larenbeka


A Mind in the Moonlight: Part Two
"During the daytime you'll need to go to the Defenders of Neopia headquarters and sneak around a bit. Gather information, and take special notes about any names that come up. Got it?"

by costa_rican_girl


Sasha's Sketches
The long awaited time has come...

by washeh


Never be Normal
Can I have it?

by izziepanda

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