Taking the Long Way: Part Three by senya
Part Three: Marrows and Meercas
The broken, creepy carnival music was slowly and deliberately
driving him mad. It sounded like the last gasping breaths of a mangled music
box, one that would nearly wind down into blessed silence…and then crank back
up again for one last round. A heavy moon was hanging over the old deserted
fairground, though the place was clearly not living up to its name. Popping
at constant intervals said that someone wasn't getting their neopoints' worth
at the cork gun gallery, and Wiltshire was making enough racket of his own at
the Test Your Strength stand. Apparently, consistently being labeled 'Pathetic'
was not something that caused harm to his ample self-esteem, because he kept
handing over money for another pointless swing. The Mynci in charge was smirking
for all he was worth at having located a willing victim.
Alexien was seated at a rickety old picnic table,
Celleny perched opposite him and taking quick, ravenous bites out of her mystery
meat sandwich.
"Do you want to know what's in that?" he asked
her slyly, eyeing the sandwich as though he expected it to sprout legs and wander
off the plate. Well, in this place, it just might, he considered silently.
He had long since learned never to trust the food in the Haunted Woods.
"No," she said emphatically, raising one hand
for emphasis. "It won't bother me as long as I don't know."
"So then are you going to tell me why you followed
me to Sakhmet? And why you were skulking behind me the entire way back?"
She nodded vigorously, swallowing a mouthful
of sandwich. "I followed behind you because I wasn't even sure you were you,"
she said accusingly, gesturing at his current Kyrii form. "What in the world
"I took a bad turn in that enormous temple in
Sakhmet," Alexien answered wryly. "I walked in a Grarrl and stumbled out a Gold
Kyrii. At least the sand wore off after a while; this appears to be permanent
short of me tripping over a Transmogrification potion on the way home."
"You'll have to fix it when you get back to Meridell.
It's positively gaudy," Celleny complained, her nose wrinkling in distaste.
Alexien leaned forward and eyed her sternly,
hands folded on the table. "You said you needed help with something. What is
"It's the farm," she confided in a low voice.
"The king has seized it."
"Seized it?" Alexien repeated, drawing back and
frowning at this news. "What for?"
Celleny shifted uncomfortably on the bench, eyes
averting to Wiltshire's celebratory yelp at having been awarded yet another
gummy rat. Her attention turned back to Alexien then, and he recognized that
odd look once more, a mixture of cheerful apology. "I didn't pay the marrow
tax this year."
"Well, that explains that."
"But, you see---" she rushed past his attempt
to close the subject, "it was a very, very wet season. I had to plant them late,
and even as it was, some of them still rotted before----"
Alexien fixed her with an odd look, then broke
into her ramblings. "I can do a lot of things, Celleny, but controlling soil
moisture is beyond both my abilities and my interest. My recommendation is to
consult an almanac next time."
"No, no," she replied quickly. "Bad seasons come
and go, I understand that. My farm was seized not only because of tax money.
It was still in a state of disrepair from the previous owners. I didn't have
the chance to do much in the way of repairs, since the money from the marrow
harvest was supposed to fund that, and---"
"The marrows rotted," Alexien finished bluntly.
"They must have felt there was little likelihood of you bouncing back next season
and making up the overdue taxes with it looking so rundown."
"Exactly," she said, face falling. "All of that
work…it was just bad timing…."
"And so what did you want me to do about it,
Celleny?" Alexien questioned for what felt like the tenth time. Getting a straight
answer out of her was becoming a mind-numbing chore, and he could tell she didn't
want to ask, because she was starting to fidget again, fingers tapping restlessly
against the scarred table.
"I'd like you to intercede with the king before
he sells my property," she said bluntly, surprising him, brown eyes blinking.
"Skarl has a mouth, but no ears. He speaks, he
doesn't listen," Alexien quietly argued back, but at the look of crestfallen
disappointment, he heaved a long-suffering sigh and growled, "Something will
have to be done about the farm first. Repairs will need to be made, weeds pulled,
buildings painted. All of it. If you put in the effort now, it'll help your
"There's no money to do that. I---" she began
to argue, but he cut her off.
"It won't be necessary," he informed her, a hint
of an evil smile crossing his face. "You have an entire horde of overly-willing,
anxious-to-please neighbors practically in your backyard. You have a large,
algae-infested pond on your property, don't you? And who lives there, Celleny?"
"Quiggles, mostly. A few Nimmos…."
"None of whom would be thrilled about potentially
losing their happy home, right?" he questioned, and then turned to bellow over
his shoulder, "Wil! Come here!" Instantly the Quiggle dropped the enormous mallet
he'd been wielding and practically hopped back to the table, painfully eager.
"Watch this," Alexien shamelessly suggested to
Celleny as he turned to his frog friend with a suddenly grave expression. "I'm
afraid there is some bad news, Wil. Celleny's farm has been seized by the king
due to disrepair."
"Oh, my! How terrible! My condolences, miss,"
Wiltshire said, expression melting into near-comical despair.
"And mine to you as well, Wil," Alexien added,
voice somber. "The new owner will probably want to expand the fields, don't
you think? That pond…you were born there, weren't you?...I'm sure it will have
to be razed. It does take up a lot of room, a lot of potentially profitable
There was a horrified gasp as the Quiggle caught
on and settled himself heavily on the bench, as though some invisible rug had
been pulled out from under him. A deep, mournful silence seized the table as
Alexien waited for the gears in Wiltshire's head to turn and come up with the
solution he was waiting for. And, as expected, within moments the wide Quiggle
beam returned and he spread his hands as though the answer was laughably simple.
"Why, if it is repairs that are needed, we Quiggles
would be happy to help, Miss Celleny! You have been a kind hostess, and I think
this would be a suitable repayment, indeed I do!" he declared, head bobbing
in rapid succession.
"That is genius, Wiltshire, well done," Alexien
mock-congratulated him before turning back to Celleny with a sly look. She smiled
faintly at the obvious manipulation.
"But it'll be for nothing if the king doesn't
agree to give me an extension," she reminded him.
"I think that's the part I can settle," he cryptically
replied as Wiltshire dumped his treasure trove of won strawberry gummy rats
on the table, all of which slid together in a goopy pile of sightless pink rodents.
Celleny and Alexien eyed them with marked distaste as Wiltshire gestured grandly
at what he had hauled in from his dozen swings at Test Your Strength.
"Dessert!" he crowed. "And I'm getting better!
I moved up to 'Weakling' on that last swing!"
"Great, Wil, you start without us," Alexien muttered,
and then something popped back into memory, something shiny, something that
had struck him as oddly familiar when he'd fought the gate guard for it, and
now could recall just why that was. Without so much as an attempt at permission,
Alexien leaned down and stuck a hand into Wiltshire's backpack, which lay flopped
sideways on the muddy, grub-infested ground. Clawed fingers dug and groped until
they twined around that broken chain and withdrew the amulet he had rescued
the day before.
Dangling it in front of Celleny, he watched as
her mouth dropped open in surprise and said, "I thought this looked familiar.
Now I know why." He set the pendant-like necklace on the table in front of her.
"You must have dropped it when you were stalking me through Sakhmet."
"It's broken!" she cried, hands reaching out
to cradle this cherished possession.
"It's found," he reminded her, pointing out the
bright side. "If Wiltshire wasn't the type to hoard every shiny thing he finds,
it'd probably be for sale at a stand somewhere. An ancient artifact, no doubt,
priceless and rare and whatever other descriptive word deemed necessary to sell
it for a ridiculously overpriced amount to some half-witted tourist."
"I wonder how it was cracked," she murmured disconsolately,
fingers trailing the sizeable fissure that segmented the golden toad in the
Alexien's eyebrows rose at that, and he spoke
in a slow, measured tone that suggested he was subtracting from his estimation
of her intelligence. "Celleny, there was a battle there in Sakhmet, a large
one, a loud one; one that included a cursed zombie army. Did you miss that somehow?"
"You're not funny," she complained with a dramatic
sigh, pocketing the necklace.
"Not very smart, either, apparently," he ruefully
admitted. "If I had recognized it sooner, I would have figured out you were
She reserved comment on that and, instead, graced
Wiltshire with a heartfelt smile. "Thank you for finding it, Wil!"
The Quiggle beamed back at this bit of recognition,
and bobbed his head in a quick nod as he assured her, "Oh, certainly, certainly!"
Leaving the Haunted Woods was like stepping into
a giant fluorescent light bulb. Darkness fled instantaneously, and they shielded
their eyes against the sudden onslaught of light, having become accustomed to
meandering through perpetual doom and gloom. Sunlight shone down overhead, weaker
from winter's pull, but enough to warm them some, driving off the chill of that
depthless forest.
Celleny and Wiltshire had fallen into an easy
stream of chatter as they walked, and Alexien kept several paces ahead, mind
pleasantly empty of much thought. He had acquired the delightful ability to
tune out his companions, and was quite content to no longer be the sole focus
of Wiltshire's inane ramblings. Velvety green fields rolled outward in every
direction, capped by a powder blue sky. Perfect scenery and weather for blissful
mindlessness…but this soothing calm was shattered when a dark form fell suddenly
into step with him. His head rose and glanced to his left of its own accord,
lazily, as though he could barely be bothered, and he found a dark faerie smirking
back at him.
"What?" he asked rudely.
"I'm waiting for a Red Meerca Plushie," she informed
him without preamble, appearing impatient, as though he had already kept her
lingering for far longer than proper manners dictated.
He eyed her as if she were mad and spread his
arms wide, encompassing the vast fields of natural nothingness. "And what do
you propose I do about that out here?"
"That's for you to worry about," she said with
airy carelessness, but then her eyes widened and she brandished a finger in
his direction, accusatory as she hissed. "Are you rejecting my quest?"
"I should. I really should," he muttered, setting
their pace as he strode through a mixture of shin-deep grass and wildflowers.
"If I do find you that plushie, you'll only bless that one back there," he complained,
head tilting in Wiltshire's direction. "It's really not worth my effort."
Appearing sulky at this, the dark faerie's face
dissolved into a scowl. "So then you are rejecting!"
"No, I'll keep the quest," Alexien agreed, smiling
wickedly. "You'll have to wait, though, won't you? There are plenty of small
toy shops in Meridell. I'm sure one of them will have what you need. But just
so you know…" The smile widened. "…I'm taking the long way home."
"And so you wonder why the faeries always bless
your companion instead?" she queried sarcastically before disappearing with
an angry flourish.
"Not really," he replied to thin air. "They always
give me the same tiresome reason. Something about 'manners'…."
To be continued…