For an easier life Circulation: 112,982,760 Issue: 225 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y8
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The Misadventures of a Pink Lenny

"I Quit"

Art by ghostkomorichu

by immortalmina

Slorg Slime #1

They are everywhere!

by theicyworm
Creative Kacheeks

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Also by plutoplus1

by richnangela005

Smycks' Tales #1

I found something delicious!

by helmfinland
One to Many

Some call it "fan art;" others call it traumatic!

by menzoberanzan
Baby Kougra

To what extremes will this Baby Kougra go to get food?

by with_lemonade
Evil Feepit #3

What a nasty little fellow...

by fmoura_98
Petpet Tributes

A little Horus needs a lesson in what makes a "treasure..."

by lilgreymouse
Fish, or not a fish?

I see you didn't catch anything...

by mandy_raz
Sheep of Doom

I wonder if anything's changed.

by oddhatter
Neo Nip

Ooh shiny! =o

by loreij
The Pet Patrol Revolution - Trading post


by neo_tomi
Jhudora & Illusen: WHATEVER!

Billions? Nah! TRILLIONS!

by spock_luvr
Lupin's Ironies Concerning the Fountain Faerie

I got a fountain faerie's quest?!?

by ginnyw143
Pixilated Puns!

*sneak sneak sneak*

by lilac_tempest

The erasers are coming! o_0

by lightmik3000

What would she even WANT that???

by celestialearthenmage

Hey look! A new Neopet!

by chokatocherry
The Unusuals

I don't get paid enough for this.

by x_xkodiskux_x
Catastrophe: the First

Oh, Poppie!!

by 2004224

Everybody must have a little greed...

by cooperates
Minature Mayhem


Art by artnerd

by veepuss

The (Mis)Adventures of Gore

When good apologies go bad. Very bad.

by chivo
Just @ lil Loven

Ooh! A space ship!

by kiri_the_kid
An Illusen Quest Gone Kinda Bad

An Aisha gives Illusen a nice little surprise....

by larien117
Triple Negative

You have to see it to believe it.

by sillygirl_543
So You Didn't Read the Sign?


by pixiepuff
Get the picture?

Who said kadoaties weren't smart?

by poppie_ng
Chibi Pals

Sheesh... that Snow Faerie sure can be mean.

by puffibunni

Ze robot humor. Worship it!

by respects

The Blasted Omelette is attacking again.

by poetax
Painted Pet Blues

She saw her face everywhere--except in the mirror.....

by raynbow_light
Notions and Nonsense

Bah, there doesn't seem ta be anything wrong with that!!

Art by meowth4

by patjade

Always Complaining

Feed me!!!

by sabertigerblade
Neopian Neophyte

Not *quite* balanced stats...

by leedom111
A Spicy Revenge

How the mighty have fallen...

by helixnebula
The Neo397s

Welcome to the Battledome!

by isaiahdjkim
The General Idea

Note to readers: The PPL does not support the use of petpets to buy training. Or anything else for that matter...

by clueless_morgan
Petpet Ownerowner

An interesting way to get rid of bugs...

by magnoliaprincess
Squid Troubles

Ahh! Giant Squid!

by btcomsa12
Search the Neopian Times


"What Goes Around Comes Around... Punk" by imaqtpie398
As she approached the counter, she was silently going over what to say. Excuse me, ma'am. I really want that Icklesaur over there, but I'm one neopoint short. Could you make an exception, please? Excuse me, ma'am. I'm one neopoint short to buy that Icklesaur. Can we haggle?

Other Stories


The Baby Problem
Mistletoe pouted. "I can't!" she grumbled. "Don't know howta swim."

by grapesourhorse


It's a Slorg's Life
In Bugga's Slorgs, there were many people and their neopets looking at them and all of Bugga's Slorg items. Someone, take me home, he thought...

by greenjunglekitty


Warf Rescue Team - Let 'Em Fly!!!
So, there you are, minding your own business when suddenly you see a furry, errr - nope, a flurry of Warfs race past you with parachutes in hand. You wonder, where are they going...

by buddy__blankies


14 Terrors of Typing Terror!
For starters, you would assume the avatar shouldn’t be THAT hard to achieve, especially if you type fairly well. That, however, was your first mistake...

by crazyginger83


Return of Seamstress Cybunny: Part One
The shop became the talk of the town. On weekends, the place would be piled with Neopets searching for special outfits to wear...

by anime_cybunny


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Absent Anubis - Part Eight
"Told you," whispered Damien. I hated that he was right...

by playmobil_is_my_life

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