Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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Jenna's Collar

by ghhbbhh99

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Great stories!


The Disadvantages of a Halloween Kiko
Stop! NOOO!

by fluffball_76


Ironies of Neopia
My costume is on!

by blubblub317


Costume Perfection
All the way to her Neohome Indipsi thought of the upcoming holiday. Halloween was only a week away and though Indipsi had read many stories, the truth was that she didn't have any costume ideas.

by charmedhorses


Run Away to Knighthood: Part Three
"Look!" shouted Fluffy. "Come on, that could be Angel, playing hide-and-seek again! Let's go!"

by precious_katuch14

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