Faerie Forest: Part Three by lavendergoddess79
The Earth Garden stretched out far in front of Tammy as
she stood at its gate. Ora sat on her shoulder, telling her what she needed to
do to free the faeries of Faerie Forest.
"Now Tammy," the little faerie whispered calmly,
"I already told you what to do. You need to cast a spell. The powers of us faeries
may be weakened by Queen Ila, but you are a very powerful little Cybunny. Ila
wants to use your powers for her evil purposes, but you can decide what you
want to do for yourself. I know you'll make the right choice, Tammy."
Tammy nodded her head in agreement. She knew
that she had to help in any way that she could.
Ora had told her that to cast the spell, she
would need more than magical powers alone. She would need to find specific ingredients.
Ora seemed to know everything that she would need. The first thing that she
had to get was a yellow flower from the Earth Garden.
That was simple enough. Tammy walked quickly
through that gate that she stood in and into the large, beautiful garden. One
of the first flowers she saw was yellow. She bent down and grabbed its stem,
pulling it out of the ground.
"Well that was easy enough," Tammy said, obviously
quite pleased with herself. "What now?"
"Very good," Ora said, "good job, Tammy. There
are only three more things you need. The first is a cup of water from the pond
of the future."
"Alright," Tammy said. She turned to leave the
garden, walking back into the forest.
"Hey, Ora?" Tammy suddenly asked as she continued
walking. "I was just wondering- why do spells work the way they do? Well, what
I mean is why do you need specific ingredients for them? Each ingredient has
to do something, and I've been a little curious about what exactly they do."
"Well," Ora said, "it has to do with what you
want the spell to do. The yellow flower from the Earth garden represents the
forest. The pond is what's Ila's using our powers for, so the pond water represents
the powers that the spell will give back to us. And here we are, now."
As Ora said this, Tammy saw the pond of the
future in front of her. It looked just as mystical and wonderful as it did when
she first saw it. For a second, she forgot what she had come here for.
"Get the water," Ora hissed. Tammy jumped, remembering
suddenly what she needed to do. Her eyes darted around in search of something
to put the water in. She didn't see anything that might be of use. She would
just have to look harder.
"Now what are you doing, Tammy," Queen Ila's
voice asked from behind her. Tammy quickly turned around, startled. Ora jumped
into the air and flew off before the queen got close enough to see that she
had been there. Tammy breathed a sigh of relief. If Queen Ila had seen Ora,
she would surely realize that Tammy planned to free the faeries.
"I thought you were going to be in the Earth
Garden," Queen Ila said to Tammy.
"Oh, I was," the Cybunny said, staring at the
ground. She paused for a moment to give herself enough time to find something
to say.
"But I was wondering where you were," she continued,
"It felt I had been waiting for you to take me home for a long time, so I came
looking for you."
"Oh," Queen Ila said, her face slowly changing
into a smile, "but you would like to stay a little longer, wouldn't you?"
"Oh, yes, of course," Tammy said.
"Good," Queen Ila said, obviously very happy
to hear this, "but you haven't been talking to any of the faeries here, have
"I haven't," Tammy lied. "Why do you ask?"
"Well," Queen Ila said, "I just don't think
it's a good idea for you to talk with them. They don't always like visitors.
Just don't listen to anything they say. But anyway, is there anything I can
get for you?"
"Yes," Tammy said, smiling. She had an idea.
"I would like a glass of water. I'm rather thirsty."
"Of course," Queen Ila said, smiling. She snapped
her fingers twice, and a cup of clear water appeared in her hand. She then gave
it to Tammy, who nodded her head in thanks.
"I have some things to do, now," Queen Ila said,
"Do whatever you like. I'll come to look for you in a little while." Then she
left. As soon as she was out of sight, Ora flew quickly up to Tammy, hovering
in the air in front of her face.
"You aren't going to listen to what she said
about us faeries, are you?" Ora asked.
"Of course not," Tammy said. Then, holding up
the glass of water, she added, "But I figured out a way to get the water from
the pond." Ora smiled as Tammy tilted the glass to the side, pouring out every
last drop of water. She then turned to the pond and leaned over, submerging
the cup in the crystal clear water. When she lifted the glass again, it was
filled to the very top with pond water.
"Very good," Ora said, "That was very smart
of you. Now, let's quickly get to the next ingredient. This one is simple- we
need a leaf that has fallen from a tree in the forest. This ingredient represents
the forest itself."
"Here we are," Tammy said, picking a green leaf
up off of the ground, "But I thought you said that the yellow flower represented
the forest."
"They both represent the forest," Ora said,
crossing her arms as she continued to float in mid air, "The forest is a very
important part of the spell. Now we have one more ingredient. This one will
be very difficult to find, but I think you'll manage."
"And what is it?" Tammy asked.
"A piece of Ila's hair," Ora told her. Tammy's
eyes widened.
"How am I supposed to get that?" she asked.
"And why do we need some of Queen Ila's hair? What can it possibly represent?"
"Don't bother asking me," Ora said, "It doesn't
matter to you. The important thing is for you to get it. I'm going to stay here
and wait for you. It wouldn't be safe for me to follow you- Ila would see me
for sure. Leave the other ingredients with me."
"Alright," Tammy said, her voice shaking slightly.
She turned around and walked off through the forest, placing the ingredients
she had under a large tree. She didn't have the slightest idea of how she might
get some of Queen Ila's hair without her noticing, but she would have to try.
Perhaps she could sneak up from behind her. But she knew she wouldn't be able
to keep quiet enough. She would have to try to trick her, but how would she
do that?
"Oh, there you are, Tammy," Queen Ila said,
happily. Tammy had been thinking so hard that she hadn't even noticed the queen
standing right in front of her. She had no more time to think.
"Queen Ila, can you do me a favor," Tammy asked
"Of course," Ila said, smiling, "What can I
do for you?"
"Well," Tammy said, still thinking of what to
say. At that moment, she noticed a green comb sticking out of the pocket of
Queen Ila's dress.
"What a nice comb!" Tammy said, pointing at
it. "Mind if I take a look? It just looks so beautiful. I've never seen another
one like it before."
"Of course you can take a look at it," Queen
Ila said, surprisingly falling for Tammy's trick. She took the comb out of her
pocket and handed it to Tammy.
As soon as Tammy was holding the comb, she searched
for any hair remaining from its last use. She saw none. But that was alright.
She had one more idea left to try.
"It's very nice," she said, quickly handing
it back to Queen Ila. As she did, she purposely slipped the comb into the ends
of the faerie's long hair, getting it stuck in her hair.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," Tammy said, "How clumsy
of me. Let me help you get that out." She grabbed the comb, attempting to separate
it from Queen Ila's hair. As she did, she grabbed a small piece of Ila's hair,
quickly pulling it out.
"Ouch," Queen Ila said.
"Oh, sorry," Tammy quickly said, trying to cover
up for what she had done. "The comb's really stuck. Don't worry, though, I almost
have it." She then gave one last tug on the comb, and it immediately broke free
from Queen Ila's hair.
"Here you are, very sorry about all that," Tammy
said, almost too quickly to be understood as she placed the comb in Queen Ila's
hands and ran off.
"Do you have it?" Ora's voice asked as the tiny
faerie flew up to Tammy, who nodded her head. Ora smiled.
"I knew you could do it," she said. "Now you
have all of the ingredients. Here's what you have to do. Mix the flower and
the leaf into the water first. Then add Ila's hair."
Tammy followed her instructions, picking up
the other ingredients from below the tree that she had left them under. She
carefully placed the flower and the leaf into the glass of pond water. Then,
she dropped in Queen Ila's hair.
"Excellent," Ora said, her smile widening, "Now
close your eyes and concentrate. Think only about the ingredients that you have
added, and clear your mind. Think about what you want to happen. Envision all
of the faeries free, and Queen Ila so upset that she doesn't know what to do."
Tammy closed her eyes and concentrated. At first,
nothing happened.
"Think harder," Ora commanded. Tammy kept thinking,
trying hard to clear her mind. It was starting to work. She could feel something
Then, suddenly, she felt like something wasn't
right. Something inside her was telling her to stop. She tried to fight away
this feeling of fear, but it only got worse. She decided that she had to give
in and stop this spell. She forced her eyes open, but it was too late.
The faeries throughout the forest were growing,
becoming at least the height of Queen Ila, or maybe even taller. As they rapidly
increased in size, they changed color from green to a deep, threatening purple
shade. Tammy blinked her eyes a few times, confused.
She then noticed that Ora was still small. But
in an instant she started to grow. Her skin changed to a pale purple color,
and her hair and outfit started to change color, too.
Tammy still had no idea what was going on, but
when she saw the evil smile on Ora's face she knew it couldn't be good. She
had to stop this spell quickly. She closed her eyes again, concentrating as
hard as she could on reversing the spell. She thought only about all of the
faeries shrinking down to their original sizes and losing their powers. After
a moment, everything was silent.
Tammy opened her eyes. All of the faeries were
large and had an evil look to their faces. They had all changed color, all except
for Ora, who was still changing. Also, the forest was starting to disappear.
One by one the trees were vanishing into thin air. The plants and grass were
slowly starting to turn brown.
Then, everything stopped. The trees stopped
disappearing, leaving the few that remained in their place. Ora's dress and
hair stopped changing colors and remained how they were- part green and part
"Well," Ora said with an evil laugh, "You may
have succeeded in stopping the spell, but it's still too late. We were trying
to destroy this place, but at least we have our powers back. Come, my fellow
darkness faeries. We'd better get to Faerieland quickly."
The faeries smiled and nodded their heads. But
just then, Tammy saw Queen Ila running into view. She hurried up to Ora, glaring
at her.
"Jhudora, what did you do?" she asked angrily.
Jhudora, what a strange name that was. Tammy figured that it must be Ora's full
"Don't blame me," Jhudora said laughing, "Tammy
was the one who freed us."
Ila turned to Tammy, looking panicked and confused
at the same time.
"She tricked me!" Tammy said, pointing at Jhudora.
"Ila," Jhudora said, "It was foolish of you
to take the job Fyora offered you as the guard of this place. You should have
known we'd escape. And now, thanks to Tammy's spell, you don't have enough power
to return to Faerieland ever again. You're lucky, actually. The spell was supposed
to take all of your powers away, but Tammy stopped it too soon."
"But this wasn't supposed to happen," Ila said.
"Fyora took the darkness faeries' powers away when she banished them here. You
weren't supposed to ever get out. You can't do this."
"Oh, but I can," Jhudora said, allowing her
large wings to carry her into the air. "Goodbye, Ila," she laughed, "and Tammy,
I think some rest would do you good. I'll transport you to your village, now.
And when you get there you won't remember any of this."
Jhudora snapped her fingers, and Tammy vanished
from the forest. Then, all of the darkness faeries flew away, cackling as they
soared into the sky, preparing to cause all sorts of trouble for Faerieland
and all of Neopia.
Ila sat by the side of the future pond, staring
into its clear waters. Behind her stood her Skeith assistant, looking over her
shoulder into the pond.
"Well, the pond was right about Tamika," Ila
said, sighing. "It told me she would change this place forever. She did." The
Skeith nodded his head.
"Do you see anything, now?" he asked. Ila squinted,
trying hard to concentrate.
"Barely," she said, "Its powers are almost completely
gone by now. But even though things are looking bad right now, it seems to be
saying they could get better. We can still make a kingdom here, and you can
still rule it, just like I promised. You can be the king- King Skarl."
"King Skarl," the Skeith thought, "I like the
sound of that. And what about you?"
"Well," Ila said, "I suppose I could stay here,
too. I'll make a little home for myself. It won't be the same as living in Faerieland,
but I do like it here. Everyone can call me by my full name, my real one."
"And what would that be?" the Skeith asked.
"Illusen," Ila said. Her assistant nodded.
"Well, Illusen," he said, "Welcome to Meridell.
I think that's what I'll call this place. What do you think?"
"I think it sounds lovely," Illusen said, "This
may be the end of Faerie Forest, but that's alright. It's also the start of
something new. I know that you can make this place into a wonderful kingdom.
Let the age of Meridell begin."
The End