The Baby Problem by grapesourhorse
"Come ON, Mistletoe! Get in here!" cried the voice
of a Maraquan Aisha, Luthivèra. Her sister Ewayènna the Faerie Peophin hovered
in the air, whinnying at little Mistletoe herself. "The water's wonderfully warm!
Come on in!"
Ever since Luthivèra had been painted Maraquan,
swimming and anything to do with water had come naturally to her. When her sister
Ewayènna was painted Faerie, she had spent a lot of time hovering, flying, and
gliding in the wind. Unfortunately, little Mistletoe, their little sister, couldn't
run, fly, swim, read, or even speak properly. She had been zapped by Boochi,
and she was to remain a child forever.
Mistletoe pouted. "I can't!" she grumbled. "Don't
know howta swim."
Luthivèra and Ewayènna simultaneously groaned.
They remembered teaching their sister how to swim a few weeks ago. Since then,
Mistletoe had always been the fastest swimmer. But that was before Boochi.
Luthivèra scowled to herself and cursed the
little Baby Bruce with a variety of words that would've made her owner, Adelaide,
faint. "Never mind," she grumbled. "Let's just go back to our Neohome, I guess."
Ewayènna sighed as well. She hadn't had fun
with her sisters ever since Mistletoe had been zapped Baby. The three glided,
swam, and crawled back to their cozy mansion, 51856 Faerie Queen's Crown, Fyora's
"Well, what are we going to have for dinner tonight?"
said the cheerful voice of their owner, Adelaide. Adelaide was a very tall girl
with hazelnut colored hair and toffee colored eyes. She was very kind, not to
mention very rich.
"I just want a carrot and pea omelette," grumbled
Luthivèra, referring to her LEAST favorite food. She only ate omelettes when
they absolutely had nothing else to eat. Luthivèra was folding her long tail
behind her when Ewayènna growled: "Same for me," while tucking her hooves underneath
Adelaide was very surprised. Her two pampered
and spoiled Neopets NEVER had omelettes or jellies for dinner! They only had
healthy and nutritious gourmet food, and they were against eating any cheap
Tombola food or any kind of other 'regular' food. For example, just the other
night, Ewayènna had a Wocky Loaf (20,000 Neopoints) and Luthivèra had a Refreshing
Peophin Burger (1,000 Neopoints).
"And…some Pea and Ham Baby Food for Mistletoe,"
their owner sighed, cranking a can opener out of a drawer and trying desperately
to pry open the stubborn green can of mush.
"Tank yaw!" Mistletoe squealed.
Ewayènna and Luthivèra exchanged exasperated
glances. Oh, Boochi, moaned Luthivèra. Why did Boochi have to get THEIR sister
and turn her into a little child forever? Would she never experience the word
'fun' again?
Dinner had flown by extremely quickly. Both
rather spoiled Neopets weren't used to eating such cheap food, and had rather
grown out of it. They both had taken only two small bites from the corners of
their omelettes before downing an entire goblet of Tropical Fruit Smoothie.
They had sat quietly while Mistletoe nosily gulped down her Pea and Ham Gaga
After Mistletoe had eaten every last bit of food,
their owner dropped her plates in the sink and the can into the trash bin before
going to tuck the little Baby Acara inside her crib in her room made of white
chocolate. Ewayènna and Luthivèra sat waiting at the dinner table. Adelaide
was a very sharp person when it came to noticing things, and their kindhearted
owner was sure to have noticed their strange behavior during this evening's
Sure enough, Adelaide soon came out of Mistletoe's
room and motioned for Ewayènna and Luthivèra to follow her to the library, which
was also the place where Ewayènna and Luthivèra studied. Mistletoe had studied
there too. Before. When the three reached the room, Adelaide pushed forward
the heavy oaken door and sat in a comfortable armchair, crossing her long legs
and pushing her hair back behind her ears. She frowned and asked: "What happened?"
in her gentlest voice.
Stubborn and strong-willed Luthivèra didn't
answer. Instead, she gazed at the polished dark oak shelves and at the books
on the shelf. She had read all of those books over a hundred times…with the
help of Mistletoe. Before. The three sat in silence until Ewayènna finally burst
out: "We can't have any fun anymore ever since that sloth-dratted Boochi came
and turned our sister into a babbling…a babbling baby! We can't have any fun
with her any more!! Can't you just save up some Neopoints to earn her a paint
brush? Any color but Baby!"
Adelaide looked trouble, and she crossed her
arms. "Ohhhh, I see," she murmured quietly, frowning sadly. "I thought this
might happen. You see, I am a little frustrated too about poor Mistletoe. I
can hardly understand her anymore, with her baby talk. And her Gaga Grub is
getting really expensive nowadays. Whenever I pay the bills, I tell myself:
'She's not going to stay a Baby forever; then I don't need to buy her food anymore'.
But then I realize that she IS going to stay Baby forever."
Luthivèra's eyes softened sympathetically. Her
poor owner!
"A thousand cases of Neomonia on Boochi!" swore
Ewayènna savagely, jumping upright from her chair, hooves clattering against
the marble floor. "I'm going to bed," she mumbled, before galloping off to her
Adelaide had turned to Luthivèra, her eyes trying
to seek comfort and reassurance.
"I know this is hard," she began quietly. "This
is a large step for each of us."
"More like a step backward in time," mumbled
"But there's nothing we can do about it. Why
can't you have fun with Mistletoe?"
Luthivèra blinked away tears. Adelaide didn't
understand ANYTHING! She wasn't stuck with a blabbering baby every minute of
every waking hour of her days…but she remembered the intelligent sister Mistletoe
had been before, teaching her and Ewayènna new things, like the names of fruits
and flowers, and showing them hidden games…maybe this time, she could do it
to Mistletoe…
Jumping up with a determined gleam in her eyes,
she announced: "I think I have the solution! Good night, Adelaide," she murmured,
before slithering off to her river room.
"Come on, Mistletoe and Ewayènna, we're going
on a special adventure today!" Luthivèra exclaimed, trying to make her voice
sound as jovial and cheerful as possible.
Ewayènna blinked groggily, but Mistletoe leapt
up with a squeal of joy. "Tat's wondaful!" she exclaimed.
Luthivèra took her baby sister by the paw and
shot a glance at Ewayènna.
They walked and walked until they reached a
small bush, covered with flowers and berries.
"Look Mistletoe," Ewayènna said, gesturing toward
a pure white berry with light blue speckles. "It's a snowberry!"
"Snowberry?" repeated Mistletoe, eyes wide.
"Yes! And look!" she said, pointing again. "There's
a Voidberry. You can always spot one of those because of the dark black color…"
On and on the lesson went. Soon, Ewayènna joined
in on the teachings. At the end of the day, both Ewayènna and Luthivèra were
exhausted. But Luthivèra was pleased. Her sister had taught her many things
about the world of Neopia before she had become Baby. And now it was her turn
to teach her sister what she had taught her long, long before.
The End
This is my first story published in the Times. Hopefully, it won't be the
last! Comments/feedback appreciated.