A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 90,555,820 Issue: 165 | 5th day of Storing, Y6
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Ironies of Neopia

by blubblub317

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Auctions or Trades?
Well auctioning is good for something. If your item is worth more than 800,000 NPs and you only want pure, then this might be your only choice without risking losing the rest of your Neopoints.

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Sloth on the Rox
In the beginning...

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A Treasure Lost
"Aylinn, there's something I need you to look at," Deki said. "I can't say more right now… but follow me to the house. It's urgent…"

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Identity Crisis: Part Three
"I am Commander Halster," he went on, "the one in charge of this space station, and this is my trusted guard, Gazlow."

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