Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 90,555,820 Issue: 165 | 5th day of Storing, Y6
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Short Stories

The Magical Road

Thalia put her paw into the bag, grabbed her homework and ran towards the homework box. There, she tried to get the stuff out of the bag. It was a total failure. The Eyrie's paw was stuck.

by shadowcristal
The Fire and Ice Twins

Aquarius grinned. This was all too easy. And to think his twin brother could have gotten more experienced Neopets for his service!

by dudetti
A Day at the Beach

"Someone put sand in my sandwich!" Icy giggled, Star shrugged, and Searklarry pointed his tail at the starry Elephante. "STAR!"

by _icypanther_
Of Bluff Cake

I stabbed my fork and plucked a fragment off the cake. Beads of sweat formed on my brow and I elevated it to my mouth. I could feel Lava's anxious stare looming down on me. I poked the cake into my mouth and suddenly felt woozy.

by lavamitten
A Treasure Lost

"Aylinn, there's something I need you to look at," Deki said. "I can't say more right now… but follow me to the house. It's urgent…"

by _shakky_

"Cantiel! Who is that?" Abdala whispered so the person wouldn't hear. He was coming closer and closer to the two garbage cans.

by puzz1ed
Clean Up In Aisle 5

"Do you have any idea how long it takes to make an exact replica of the faerie city out of cans?" he demanded. "My masterpiece is ruined!"

by acexofxspades
No One Understands...

She remembered something her father had told her about King Skarl when she was young. "Can I tell you a joke?" she asked him.

by kikyo366
Coming of Age

"I need one of you to go to Roo Island. A young female Blumaroo, one of King Roo's family, is being haunted by Count Von Roo. She needs a protector."

by evumeimeidingzai
Try, Try Again

"Don't worry, Hallie. I'm sure one of your stories will get in the Times one of these days. I've read them and they're really good."

by labra_doodlelover
Goodbye, Friend

"Come on Kuraiiro, you gotta set the little guy free!" Tahoshi argued. "He's been just lazing around the house for weeks now, it's just so sad. I mean, it's's gonna snuff out any moment."

by laurensama
Of a Severe Case of Hiccups and Pink Kaus in Green Fields

"I left my speech at home!" Sherry exclaimed. "Okay, try and remember what it said. Um… vote for me… I'll make the school a better place… GAH! I just can't do this!"

by shadih_temporary
Dako and Mr. Discreet

They didn't know it, but he was the person who made sure the sun was always shining for all of Neopia. He provided them with small necessities, just because.

by larenbeka
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"Clean Up In Aisle 5" by acexofxspades
"Do you have any idea how long it takes to make an exact replica of the faerie city out of cans?" he demanded. "My masterpiece is ruined!"...

Other Stories


Mastering Hannah and the Pirate Caves
Here is a guide to boost up your points in Hannah and the Pirate Caves. It will tell you how to enter the secret areas and acquire the gems. The gems are each worth 5000 points!

by siriusblack__


Cracking the Conundrum
Just hearing the name makes you frustrated. But still you can’t help yourself. You head on over to the games room to see what that exasperating Lenny has come up with for you this week.

by daysgirl52


Reign of the Shadows - Part Three
"Didn't you hear a word I said earlier? The Three were controlling Kass! The Three pushed you off the Citadel in a sense, not Kass! He was their tool!"

by feriku


Firejewel: Part Four
"Follower," she soundlessly told me. A follower? Someone had been tracking us? Why?

by sara_mossflower


Spressions: Ball

by quizmire


Fighting Fire With Fire
As you may know...

by jamiethegryphan

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