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Conquering Hannah and the Ice Caves: Part One

by neomaniac1603


TERROR MOUNTAIN - Well, Hello everyone! I am back and discussing the newly released game: Hannah and the Ice Caves which is the sequel to Hannah and the Pirate Caves.

Okay, before I move on when you see the word HATIC it is an abbreviation for Hannah and the Ice Caves. Abbreviating is such a wonderful thing, isn’t it ;)

Okay *ahem*

In this game Hannah is placed in the depths of Terror Mountain’s Ice Caves. This is nothing like the Pirate Caves, there’s more action, villains, twists and turns and Hannah even has her own sidekick! Cool, eh?

Okay, lets not waste anymore time and go in-depth on this thrilling new Action game.

* * * * *

Basic Knowledge

Learn your Point Values and which items to stay clear of to keep Hannah out of harms way.

Icy Treasure Chests

The Icy Treasure Chests found in each level of HATIC must be obtained before you can move onto the next level. Each Treasure Chest is worth 55 points a piece. If you are wondering how many Icy Treasure Chests you need to complete the level you are on you can find it the top of the game page by the Coin icon.

Icy Crates

Icy Crates are found in almost every level and are worth 15 points each, although this may not seem a lot it is key to try to get each one in all of the levels. The amount of points you get from them at the end of the game really could count towards a high score (they might even be the main factor of you getting into the trophy positions).

Secret Gems

Gems are not required to be obtained but they are worth 5,000 points once you finish the level you've obtained it from. To obtain the Secret Gems there are Secret Areas in few levels. Some are tricky to find but if you work hard at each level and search High and Low you might just find it (In one level or two you might have to wait for the water to rise to find the Secret Area). Hitting a Gem Crate will give you 85 points. The Gem Crates are not the same as the ones in this first Hannah Adventure. It looks much like a Red Crystal.

Icy Arrow Crates

Icy Arrow Crates are found in almost every level in the HATIC. For each one you hit it is worth 45 points. There are 4 Arrow Crates (Up, Down, Left and Right). Just make sure you are not in the way of one while it is passing by

Icy Dynamite Crates

Icy Dynamite Crates help clear away Steel Crates and Steel Crates that have Dynamite in them. For each one you hit it is worth 75 points.

Extra Life Crates

Extra Life crates are one of the important things to obtain in the levels they are in. They are once again not required but you might need them for the higher levels. Extra Life crates are hard to find in each. Hitting an Extra Life crate will give you 555 points.

Icy Stalactites/Stalagmites

In almost all levels there are Icy Stalactites and Stalagmites everywhere. If you are unfortunate to hit one, you will loose a life. If a Icy Stalactite/Stalagmite is destroyed it is worth 5 points.

Icy Ladders

A very important part to every level are the Icy Ladders. To climb simply just go over by it and press the UP arrow on your keyboard. If one section of a ladder is destroyed it is worth 10 points.

Frozen Boulders

Sometimes you will need to position these boulders to help Armin the Bori pass certain spots in a level. Sometimes you will need to destroy them in order to pass a part in a level. If a Boulder is destroyed it is worth 15 points.

Icy Platforms

Wooden Platforms are in just about every level and will help you get to that far away destination. If a Icy Platform is destroyed it is worth 30 points.

* * * * *

Evil Monsters

Eeek! Was that a shadow lurking behind Hannah? Learn about the dangers Hannah should stay away from.

Snow Beast – Never take Armin near these creatures. Hannah can easily jump over them but Armin cannot. To destroy a Snow Beast you must hit it two times with an Icy Arrow.

Icy Skeletons – These tall icy demons can only be destroyed by Armin. To destroy one simply make Armin jump on top of it.

Snow Flame Ghouls – These cannot be destroyed so when you see one get out of it’s way and duck if you can!

* Important Note: You will have to attack a monster at the right time. You cannot defeat monsters while having armin crawling on the ground. Make sure you pounce on the monsters (Ice Skeletons of course) when they are walking with their weapons by their side.

* * * * *

The Levels

In the first part of this article I will review the first 10 Levels. In Chapter Two you will get the next final 10 :) – Let’s begin…!

Hannah – This level can only be completed by Hannah. So leave Armin where he is. There is a total of 5 Treasure Chests to be obtained. Fortunately, there are no monsters in this level.

Armin – This level can only be completed by Armin. Leave Hannah where she is. There is a total of 5 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There is also 1 Monster found in this level.

Icy Boulders – In this level you must guide Hannah onto the Icy Platforms and successfully push the boulders downward so that Armin can cross. There is a total of 5 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There is also 1 Monster found in this level.

Volley of Arrows – In this level you must guide Hannah to successfully jump up at the arrows to destroy the Metal Crates blocking Armin’s way. Armin must also work as he must dig through the tunnel to obtain 4 Treasure Chests. There is a total of 5 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There are no monsters.

It’s Dynamite! – This level Is simple enough that there is really no point in explaining it. Just make sure that you get Hannah out of the way when you the explosives go off. There is a total of 10 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There is also 1 Monster. There is also an Extra Life that can be obtained!

Warm Up – You must firstly guide Hannah through this level to collect all of the Treasure Chests. When you have finished you must then switch over to Armin and find go towards the Door where Hannah should be waiting. There is a total of 20 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There are also 3 Monsters in this level. There is also a Secret Gem that can be found!

Snow Beast Attack – Guide Hannah through the first part of this level to complete the tasks so that Armin can successfully dig through the tunnel. Switch over to Armin so that he can now do his business to help a blocked Hannah move onwards. There is a total of 20 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There are also 3 monsters in this level. There is also a Secret Gem that can be found!

Spooky Caves – This level is quite easy. Avoid the monsters while setting off the arrows. Beware though. The arrow crate just above the door goes right not left to set off the dynamite. To obtain the Treasure Chests behind these you simply climb up the stairs and when you can no longer climb duck and proceed to follow the Secret Area. There is a total of 20 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There are also 4 monsters in this level.

Nothing But Nothing – Simply guide Hannah towards the door. Make sure you avoid the Snow Beast. Once at the Door set off the arrow crate and wait for any explosion sounds to stop. Switch over to Armin and then guide him while collecting chests to the end. There is a total of 20 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There is also 1 monster in this level.

The Glacier Of Doom – This level is a tuff one. Guide Hannah up the tower. Be careful, its tricky your first time. Jump over the Snow Beast while collecting the treasure then proceed by going back down the slope –NOT the way you came up - (you must stop at a certain edge). Switch over to Armin. He goes down the slope. Then simply let him dig. There is a total of 20 Treasure Chests to be obtained. There are also 3 monsters in this level. There is also an Extra Life that can be obtained!

* * * * *

The Controls

Here are some Keyboard hints to help you become a better HATIC’er.

Pressing the Space Bar on your keyboard will make Hannah and Armin jump.

Pressing the Q button on your keyboard will make Hannah and Armin look up.

Pressing the O button on your keyboard will make Hannah and Armin walk left.

Pressing the P button on your keyboard will make Hannah and Armin walk right.

Pressing the A button on your keyboard will make Hannah and Armin duck/look down.

Pressing the S button on your keyboard will switch characters. Knowing this is very important!

* * * * *

Please join me next week when we will be venturing into the next half of this article. Thank you everyone for reading =) If you have any questions or comments please Neomail Me.

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