Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 115,191,906 Issue: 230 | 9th day of Running, Y8
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Umbrella Problems

by krista_neogirl

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Neglect's Revenge: Part Two
"Lousy kids! I'm not giving out any quests right now. Come back later. On second thought, don't come back later, don't come back ever again!"

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Triple Negative
Prepare to die!

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The 600 Million Neopoint Question
Taking this self-centered egotistical notion that I’ve arrived, I’d like to compose an interesting article that dwells in the fancy of you winning the gigantic jackpot. So here it is folks, another Inconspicuous guide – The 600 million-neopoints question.

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Smelly Nelly
"Cures his itching."

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