Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 90,555,864 Issue: 166 | 12th day of Storing, Y6
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When Pigs Fly...

by mistress_syn

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It's in the Stars
Hiding this knowledge within me is a burden I wish not to have anymore, so after thousand of years I have descended from my highest cloud to inform the people and Neopets of Neopia of their fate.

by basantii


The Tower Journey: Part One
"This shop is closed indefinitely! I'm sorry, I really am, but you'll all have to leave…"

by neonick19881988


Some Rooblah with Gooblah
“I just wanted to say I was very pleased with your report on Blurfs, and will like you to take on a new challenge. I need some Rooblah from Gooblah. Can you get me some?” the Quiggle asked.

by monarchistknight


The Werelupe Saga, Chapter 1: Part Two
"Settle down Colbolt. You transforming and getting back at the guy only proves him more right. Just ignore him," Maylas said calmly.

by neojolteon2

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