Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 110,013,549 Issue: 158 | 20th day of Gathering, Y6
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Sasha's Sketches

by washeh

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T3h Praedius
Is there a point?

by arttimo


The Nameless Warrior: Part Four
"Your journey is one you must walk alone," the ghost said finally. "Your path is long, filled with the evils of the heart, but you should be able to withstand them."

by moonlit_danaa


Daughter of a Star: Part Three
"You're out of your mind! I didn't think you would actually make it this far! These Shoyrus are FAMOUS. They don't have time for the likes of you! I'm out of here!"

by shadih_temporary


Where It All Began
"Lisha... what happened? We care about you, Lee. You've been different since... since... since..."

by goldandmica

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