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The Truth About The Deserted Fairground

by daan_is_cool


DESERTED FAIRGROUND - Have you ever wondered about the history of the Deserted Fairground? How did it get there? Was it always like it is now? If not, what happened? In this article we will find out.

To get some clue to the origins of the Deserted Fairground, I interviewed Arnold (the guy at the test your strength).

Arnold: Wow! You look strong, well, you don't really. I was lying. I bet you couldn't even score two points! Pick up the mallet (if you can), and prepare to test your strength...

Me: Well, actually I didn't come to test my strength; I came to ask you some questions!

Arnold: So.... You're not interested in testing your strength?

Me: No

Arnold: Really?

Me: Yes

Arnold: Oh come on, you know you want to?

Me: Look, will you answer my questions or not?

Arnold: Hhmmm, I'll answer your questions if you test your strength.

Me: *sighing* okay, okay I'll test my strength *picks up mallet*

Arnold: Ha! Half a point, I've never seen anyone that weak! That'll be 100 Neopoints.

Me: Yeah well, your game is rigged and by the way whatever happened to that 500,000,000 Neopoints jackpot?

Arnold: Didn't you read the editorial; the Neopets team is looking into it! *hides a Cardboard Sprout Cannon and a yoyo of death that he got from the Hidden tower*

Me: Well, let's finally get down to business, has the haunted fairground always been like this?

Arnold: No! It was once the best carnival ever, people lined up for miles to see our famous shows. We travelled all over Neopia; Mystery Island, Neopia central, Terror Mountain and eventually the haunted woods.

Me: What happened?

Arnold: On the final day of our stay we were just about to perform our grand finale when suddenly we heard it in the distance "Ha Ha Ha" we all looked around and we saw a huge army. The audience thought that it was just a group of clowns but we knew that they were not our performers. Within minutes the Robot Chia Clowns had brought our fabulous carnival to ruins. I knew opening a fairground in the Haunted Woods was a bad idea!

Me: Have you ever tried to get rid of the Chia Clowns?

Arnold: Yes! Lots of times, why do you think the Chia Clowns come to the Battledome and where do you think the game Carnival of Terror came from!

Me: Thank you for your time.

I went to the Wheel of Misfortune to find out some more. When I got there I found a tall man with a hat and a cane talking to Sidney.

Man: Hello, little one, and what might you be doing here?

Me: I came to ask some questions.

Man: So you came to spin the wheel....


Man: No need to yell, I can hear. About the questions, I'd love to answer but I need to keep supervising the wheel just in case someone comes along and wants to actually SPIN the wheel!

Me: Is this some sort of bribe situation?

Man: Well, obviously!

Me: Here's a 100 Neopoints

Man: That's the spirit, now why don't you spin the wheel?

Me:*spins the wheel; you catch Sneezles from the wheel* Okay, Hatchoo! *sniffle* what happened *snort* after the Robot Chia Clowns came?

Man: It was horrible, after they came, the delivery trucks stopped coming to bring us sweets to sell and prizes to give away and I had to change my beautiful Wheel of Fortune into the Wheel of Misfortune.

Sidney: And Sssidney had to raissse the prices of his Ssscratchcards and give out fake onesss to ssstop himssself from going bankrupt!

Man: And I believe that the Batty Bruce started making his own food to sell from ingredients he found in the Haunted Woods, he says he got some of the recipes from Edna!

Me:*honk* do you have any idea where, HATCHOO! The Robot Chia Clowns came from?

Sidney: No!

Man: No.

Me: Oh well *sniffle*, see you later!

It was obvious that the only way to find out more about the Robot Chia Clowns was to use the old espionage. I rented a Chia Clown costume, bought a Magic Cookie and went into their lair (you know, that big Chia Clown head). I eyed the sign "Dr. Sloth's carnival of Terror" suspiciously as I called to a nearby Chia Clown.

Me: Hey you!

Robot Chia Clown (RCC): Who, me?

Me: Yes, you! Could you please tell me why we are destroying the Fairground?

RCC: Why, you should know, Robots never forget!

Me: Yeah, but I..... Bumped my head and I've got amnesia.

RCC: Oh okay, well, Dr Sloth sent us here to take over the Haunted Woods so that he could control all the monsters and ghosts and command them to help him take over Neopi-- Hey, Robots don't get amnesia!

Me: Bye!

I was chased for many miles until I remembered that my neopet could easily beat the clowns. "Flamer," I called "use your Grand lightning Beam and do a Nimmo Chant!"

Flamer sprang into action and soon the Chia Clowns fled. Just in case more Chia Clowns came I went into hiding. I took out my Neopian Times Note Book and wrote down all that had passed.

I am sending this to the Neopian Times from my hiding place because I think it's pretty obvious what's happening. Dr Sloth has sent his evil Robot Chia Clowns to take over the Haunted Woods and send all the monsters and ghosts to wreak havoc upon Neopia, the Return of Dr Sloth plot can't start yet because his old one is still happening!

I would like to use this opportunity to say to the Neopets team; Put the Robot Chia Clowns in the Gallery of Evil. I would also like to say to the Defenders of Neopia; SAVE THE HAUNTED WOODS! Lastly, to my fellow Neopians; this may not be an official war or plot but if you love Neopia as much as I do then you will play Carnival of Terror and destroy as many Robot Chia Clowns as you can, also those of you with strong pets should go to the Battledome and fight all the Chia Clowns there!

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