A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Short Stories

Of Gourmet Club Trophies and Staying in Shape

Every three months, Neopets from all around Neopia gathered together at the Gourmet Club to determine who could eat the most food and who could do it the fastest.

by shadih_temporary

"What are you doing out here?" Natalie pressed, slipping into the darkness and scouting for the source of the noise. "It's too late to be out. Did you slip away from home? C'mon, we need to get you out of here."

by child_dragon
Smaller Shadows

It stared with fear at Blue, and she wondered about the Quiggles. They made smaller shadows than she did. Much smaller shadows. But that isn't supposed to matter… right?

by potatorewkiki
The Imposter Aisha Thief

Clyde's ears started to hear the other pets around him talk. An old Ixi said, "We knew it would happen. It was about time. A Thief is not someone to revere. We should have know better."

by immortalmina
Just An Ordinary Day With A Psychopathic Broom

He didn't take notice into it at first, but when the shaking felt as if it were heading towards him, Midnight knew something was wrong.

by blubblub317
Keepers of the Hidden Tower

"This is so awesome," said Strata. "Isn't it Pixie… isn't it?" But Pixie was too stunned to say anything. The Hidden Tower was amazing. It was filled with rare items, wall to wall.

by amykneogirl
Detective Grace and the Missing Bracelet

"Grace, come on," said Violet, tugging on my arm. "We have to find my bracelet! It means so much to me, and it's such a shame to lose such a wonderful thing!"

by precious_katuch14
A Mutatious Nightmare

"Wouldn't it be cool if we were all mutant?"

by cruzerchic123
Lost Before, Light

"Do you remember we are here to see the most beautiful sunrise at the peak? Techo Mountain directly faces the part where the sun rises or sets," Kei added helpfully.

by cool_frenzy
Trash or Treasure?

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is," Lila continued. "You can argue later. Right now, we've got to…I don't know, but we've got to do something! If Maria sees this…"

by bqueen6430

My eyes scanned the title below, which read, "Maraquan Draik". I knew that a Draik was a type of pet, and Maraquan was a color they could be painted, so I figured she wanted one.

by chibifi3d
Gurbie's Search for the Lost Grundos!

Gurbie had a strong feeling that the Grundos were still in the galaxy somewhere... he was right!

by kcl2587
Once Precious, Twice United

If she really cared she wouldn't have abandoned her favorite pet... her only pet. But that didn't stop her.

by triffin_
A Tale of Two Brothers

"Just like you youngling's, never thinkin' o' the consequences," a quiet, gravelly voice remarked from behind the Wocky. Startled, he spun around and found himself face-to-face with a grey, scarred old Ixi, who was watching him with apparent interest.

by direpantheon
Search the Neopian Times


Truly Memorable

You must’ve at least heard of the NT and read it, or you wouldn’t be here, now would you? In each issue of the NT, there is stuff that is interesting, funny and all that other heaps of adjectives we can use to describe it. But a title might jump out at you and you’ll click on it, and read the whole piece. Now, why did you do that?...

Other Stories


Destruct-O-Match II Tactics
Although the two games are very similar there are a few differences, firstly and most obviously the bonus block, which can do a range of things from adding another row of boulders to destroying boulders...

by ladee_sarah


100 Crazy and Creative Uses for the Lab Ray
94. Just make an interesting light show to impress your pals.

by precious_katuch14


Finding Kourage: Part Four
Their 'fresh start' didn't start out so well; they started early and there was a steady drizzle being upheld. By noon a frightening, perilous storm was at hand...

by larenbeka


Of Lights from Within: Part Six
"Don't you have any memories of what happened before Nora adopted you?"

by chocolateisamust


The Neopian Emergency Service
One leak, one emergency squad...

by julses


It's Just...
I would hide if I were you...

by lilaznstar25

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