It's Raining, It's Pouring and Faerieland is Falling by aidanskyman
FAERIELAND - The newly founded Faerie Association has taken many experiments and
revealed shocking results; now in a panic to save the future of Faerieland, they
have revealed all to the Neopian Public.
Experiments by the newly founded Faerie Association are showing that Faerieland
has dropped in height around sixty-four metres this year, and is continuing
to drop at a fast rate! "Faerieland is on a 64% tilt, and soon enough everything
on Faerieland will fall to the ground because of the angle of the clouds," explained
Dr. Ice. If nothing is done, this could mean the end of Faerieland and in effect
other places as well.
Master of the association Dr. Dark Faerie said, "We have come to the conclusion
that over the space of 3 months Faerieland as we well know it will exist no
longer! Unless we see a rapid change in the population, Faerieland will simply
deteriorate and slowly fall to the Neopian Ocean bed."
Governor Fyora (Faerie Queen) said, "This is utter rubbish; the upkeep of Faerieland
is as it always has been, and it will remain that way. I will accept no more
of this foolishness, and anybody caught speaking of such a thing anywhere in
Faerieland will be banished from Faerieland FOREVER! A meeting will be held
by the council and certain things will be discussed."
But many scientists argue this fact and say that, "Due to an increase in the
Neopian population the clouds are struggling to hold the crowds of tourists
along with the residents and their Neopets settling there everyday."
The guild area at the far right of Faerieland is too crowded and the immense
weight having to be held there is having a huge effect on the clouds.
Huge layouts and fancy banners are increasing the risk and soon Neopets and
its team of hard workers will be forced to change the rules of layouts to ensure
no more big fancy memory-taking layouts are used.
King of the Guilds says, "There is a warning when signing up to Faerieland
to create a new guild, and it clearly states 'Crowded', yet for some reason
people seem to still be flocking there in huge crowds and in effect increasing
the clouds' likelihood of falling from the sky and into the ocean."
We asked a local resident and councillor of Faerieland, named Air Faerie and
we saw what she thought of all this.
"I believe it's true; my Neohome has been on a tilt for quite some time now,
but me being me I just thought that it was because it was old. Just the other
day a picture fell from my wall and smashed on the floor; as I watched it, it
began to slowly slide towards the front door because my house is on such a steep
tilt. I began to realise, something was horribly wrong! I urge any residents
with any sort of problem to leave Faerieland at once and seek a safer home;
maybe, just maybe we can sort this all out before it's too late."
Scientists say that in perhaps two years all this worry could be over if just
10,000 of Faerieland's estimated 340,000 residents left and sought another home
If not, then there is no hope; sure enough, the beautiful amazing city of Faerieland
will fall into the Neopian Ocean, creating forces and waves so big that the
biggest tidal wave in Neopian history will form and cause absolute havoc throughout
The tidal wave will take around three hours before it reaches Neopia Central's
coastal line. There is just a single place that won't be hit because of the
height of it and that is Terror Mountain, so many Neopians will have to continue
their Neopian lives in the extreme weather conditions that Terror Mountain sees.
Faerieland will lie at the bottom of the ocean and slowly rot away to ruins
as Maraqua has.
Sadly Fyora says, "If this truly does happen I shall stay with my Faerieland,
for it is my home; no one can take it from me, and if this isn't just a rumour,
I will try with all my might and power to stop this dreadful occurrence from
The Faerie Council held a meeting early this morning and concluded that there
was just one way to save Faerieland.
It will take all of the Faeries' magic for it to work including the evil Jhudora
- Dark Faerie.
Fyora has offered Jhudora a place at the Faerie Council in exchange for her
help, yet Jhudora has turned down the offer.
In an interview, Jhudora said, "I demand that I have full power of Faerieland
before I help you faeries save your beloved clouds. I wish no business with
you faeries anymore and when I get what I want, you get what you want! One last
order that I have is that you destroy Illusen's Glade; she's nothing but trouble,
that forest gal, and my rewards in return for my quests are of far more value
than anything she can find in the woods of Meridell. Bow down to the great Jhudora,
and for that, I will spare your little Neopets, but if you don't, you, your
precious Neopets and Faerieland will all be gone FOREVER! That's a promise."
The Faerie Council will be holding a further meeting in the Hidden Tower later
this evening to determine Faerieland's fate.
When asked what will become of Faerieland, Fyora simply answered, "No Comment.
It is no business of yours; now leave."
Fyora has banished over one-hundred Neopians from Faerieland for speaking of
the terrible happenings. With that little amount of weight taken, Faerieland
has floated upwards a height of four metres into the sky. Also the angle of
Faerieland has improved and is now at 52%. We need to continue on with this
effort to save Faerieland.
Is this the end of Faerieland and perhaps even Queen Fyora? Will Jhudora be
the new Queen of all Neopia and Faeries? Will she turn Neopia into a pit of
evil, and what will become of us?