Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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The Egg Wars Chronicles

by moorale

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Ruki Shoes
I hate it when she comes to visit!

by _darkeh


So You Want To Be A Thief: The Burden Begins
So you want to be a thief? You want to enter the Thieves’ Guild? You want to lead a life of crime, pillage villages, loot the elite and pick pockets?

by precious_katuch14


A Pint-Sized Christmas
"I've heard tell o' this 'ere Christmas, but I don't know what it be all about, so I don't…we pirates don't know about anything called Christmas, never 'ave, probably never will do neither..."

by tambourine_chimp


Trophy Troubles: Christmas Special
Don't try this at home; metal melts!

Also by precious_katuch14

by cherv1

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