Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 110,063,541 Issue: 170 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y6
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Short Stories

Christmas Love

We have heard this a million times! Why don't we go with something a little different?

by freedom_angel_08
A Pint-Sized Christmas

"I've heard tell o' this 'ere Christmas, but I don't know what it be all about, so I don't…we pirates don't know about anything called Christmas, never 'ave, probably never will do neither..."

by tambourine_chimp
One December Evening...

Without noticing the change, they had darted through another thick layering of trees and over a bare, snowy landscape, soon speeding through yet more rows of trees...

by taipeiss
A Tale of Masila

"My name is Masila," said the villainous Acara. "And I think you're a beautiful, sweet Cybunny. Will you be my friend?" She stuck one green paw towards Delilah.

by precious_katuch14
Here Comes Scorchy Claws

"These little Scorchy Claws gimmicks always need some sap to sit in the chair and wear the outfit... I could do that!"

by battlesunn
Merry Christmas, Fj0rd! Signed, Jhudora

"It's a rotating Christmas tree stand!" Fj0rd said proudly. "I picked it up at a rubbage sale, the owner said it was faerie-made and I think it must've been."

by extreme_fj0rd
Holiday Neohome Dreams

"I've told you, we can't have our own tree. We are a guest at Jmie5's house and since it's Pendrue's house too, they get their own tree. I'm sorry we can't have our own, but we are doing Christmas at their house by their rules."

by the_vampress
Dr. Sloth’s Big, Bad, Christmas Heist

"And by pretending to be Santa Claus… well… let's just say that there's more than 4000 pets out there with homes… and I'm sure they have a Neopoint or two to spare for good old Slothy…"

by shadih_temporary
Love, Mr. Scary

Little did Sally's parents know that Fluffy wasn't an imaginary friend. He was the creature Sally had found in their barn. The creature that had devoured the farmers' crops and produce. He was the creature Sally called "Mr. Scary."

by bitsy_dj
Christmas at Home

He had promised that he wouldn't trust again. There were just too much risks... and they weren't worth taking.

by shadowcristal

An endless blanket of white stretched before him, the features of the mountains lost beneath it. The landscape slept, resting underneath its undisturbed white blanket, content to slumber a little under its icy coverlet. He had not that luxury.

by oily106
Home for Christmas

"That's a good question, Savvy, where are we?" Neofaerie sighed. "I expect we'll be stuck in here. Merry Christmas to us."

by neo_star_queen
Set for Santa

This year Charmed and Indipsi were going full out. They were going to turn their entire hill of property into a rightful place of holiday cheer...

by charmedhorses
The Greatest Gift

"Indigo," May walked over to her. "I don't need anything more than I have. I'm as happy as any pet," she lied. Beneath her convincing face, the truth seeped out.

by larenbeka
Street-Side Carolers

Every single year, Mrs. James would become peculiarly moody around the holidays and yell at every pet in the city that passed her way. Elise's owner said that something very bad happened to her around Christmas some time ago...

by belldandy213
I Hate Christmas

I hated the Christmas rush, it never seemed to end. I could probably get by without getting my 'family' anything, that plushie they got me last year wasn't that great and the Shop Wizard price was only about a hundred NP.

by orginalcliche
Christmas Never Came

It was so… peaceful then… so peaceful today, on Christmas day. So happy. Everybody was nice to each other, it seemed. Everybody was nice to everybody else, almost at least. Everybody was nice to everybody else… except for the street pets.

by chocolateisamust
A Kinda Cliched Christmas

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell hop! Jingly-jing, jing. Jingly jing! Jingle, and jungle, and hoppin' around! Now you're dancing to the jingly sound!"

by buddy33774
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"Set for Santa" by charmedhorses
"Exactly two days, sixteen hours, fourteen minutes, and thirty-two seconds," Indi said, glaring at their enemy, a timer set to count down the days until Christmas.

Other Stories


60 Reasons We Love Donna!
Over my 1 year on Neopets, I’ve seen many lists on everything from avatars to Adam and Snowflake. But I’ve rarely seen anything honoring the one who keeps some level of sanity on the site, Donna.

by dexterslab13


Increasing Your Ten-streak Chances
Keeping a streak of wins is just difficult to do. Even some top avatar collectors have yet to get this avatar...

by xxtoyxx


The 18 Karat Gelert: Part One
Ever since he was a little Gelert puppy, people had cooed and squealed over him. Roger just had that quality-- that lovely, approachable quality that people love...

by battlesunn


Retribution: Part Three
"Nina, please, don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

by child_dragon


Speck the Speckled
'Twas the month of Celebrating...

by cheetah_kougra


Dear Santa...
"A letter to Santa"

by funandgames999

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