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Meerca Chase Magic!

by junglebum


GAMES ROOM - Have you always wanted that Meerca Chase avatar, or one of those spiffy trophies, but you just couldn't get high enough of a score? No problem! I wrote up this Meerca Chase guide for you, and if you use it and practice a bit, you'll have that avatar or trophy in no time ;)

1. Getting To Know The Game

Many of you probably recognize this game from somewhere else. This is the exact same thing pretty much, but in Meerca Chase, you play a Meerca named... Lets call him Jimmy. Jimmy loves Neggs. Happiness Neggs, green Neggs... Any kind except for red Neggs. Red Neggs kill him. The more Neggs Jimmy eats, the happier he gets. Also, the more he eats, the longer his tail gets. So the main objective of this game is to eat all of the Neggs except for the red ones. And you cant run over your tail. Simple enough. Oh, and if you hit the walls then you're out. Bummer.

2. Basic Controls

The controlling in this game is easy enough to understand... You use the four arrow keys. Up goes makes the Meerca go up, down makes the Meerca go down, ect. There are no hidden buttons that make you get a fish Negg every time like some people say there are.

3. Neggs

There are seven different types of Neggs in Meerca Chase. Happiness (yellow), blue, green, grey, yellow with red eyes, rainbow, and fish Neggs. In hard mode, which is the mode that you get the most points on, yellow Neggs are worth 8 points, blue are worth 24 points, green are worth 32 points, grey are worth 40 points, the yellow ones with the red eyes are worth 80 points, rainbow ones are worth 160 points and fish Neggs are worth 400 points. Yellow Neggs are the most common, and fish Neggs are the most rare. Once in a while, you will get lucky and have two fish Neggs in one round. That happened to my friend. She was in total shock. ;)

4. The Actual Game

Always play on hard mode. It goes a lot faster than easy or medium, but the Neggs are worth a lot more. There are some situations you will find yourself in where the Negg will be impossible to get; either because it's surrounded by red Neggs, or your tail is in the way and there isn't anywhere else to go.

5. Fish Neggs

In hard mode, fish Neggs are worth 400 points each. That leaves only 350 points up to you to get the av. When I play, I like getting fish Neggs towards the end because then you don't have to worry about getting as big of a score after that. At first when you get fish Neggs, really random stuff will go through your head like maybe some Michael Jackson song. Or maybe you will be so surprised that you will crash into a wall. That happened to me my first few times. Fish Neggs are really special. They stand out from the rest; but I think it's best to treat them like any other Negg. When you get one, remain calm and collected. Your chances of getting a higher score are much better that way. I usually get fish Neggs after a green Negg, or a grey one. I'm not sure if that's how it works for everybody, but it does for me.

6. Red Neggs

They may look cute and cuddly, but these are the most evil things in the game. They just pop out of no where. Sometimes they will go right in front of you, kill you, and there wont be anything that you can do about it. Even if you just hit the top of the Negg, you're done for. Try avoiding them at all costs. There isn't anything anything you can do to prevent getting them, so just cope with it and try your best.

7. Have Something Else On Your Mind

You don't want your mind totally focused on Meerca Chase. It sounds dumb, but it's true. If you're paying attention too much, you will make some stupid mistake. It never fails. I like having something on the TV when I play. Or maybe a nice music file. It really helps take your mind off the game. Maybe you should even be having a conversation on the phone, or be eating your dinner if you know how to play with one hand!

8. Knowing Which Way To Go

There are times when you're playing Meerca Chase that there will be more than one way to go. For instance, maybe you just snagged a yellow Negg from the upper right corner. The next Negg shows up in the lower right corner. Going straight down wouldn't take too long, but lets say that there are a ton of red Neggs there. If you take a left and go sort of diagonal, you might be able to get there much more safely. Which way do you go? TAKE THE LONG WAY, but only if it's necessary.

9. Your Long Tail

When you collect more Neggs, your tail gets longer. If you're playing on hard, like you should be, there will be a few points in the tail where there's a gap for you to get through. I don't suggest trying to get through them on purpose though, because it's just too risky. I suggest trying to ignore your tail. Act like it isn't there. When you come to a point that your tail is just too long, take the risky way around if necessary.

10. Practice Practice Practice!

Meerca Chase is one of Neopias more challenging games. If you try it once and fail, just do it again. Never give up. If you just practice and put your mind to it, this avatar will be a no-brainer.

I hope this guide helps you as much as it's helped me and my friends. If you're still having trouble, drop me a line and Id be glad to help you. Good luck!

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