Come dance with the Wanderers... |
Circulation: 90,556,237 |
Issue: 160 | 1st day of Collecting, Y6 |
Short Stories
| Confessions of a Kacheek Battler"I'm sorry, my dear," said the Chia Clown. "Here-have
some drinks! You're thirsty, aren't you?"
by precious_katuch14 | | A Punchbag Named SidSid just stood there, letting the information
sink in. Favorite… Being special. The bitter taste of losing spread in the punchbag's
mouth as he walked off to the house.
by shadowcristal | | Welcome to Edna's Tower"I want you to get me that Cackle avatar," Tiffany
answered, giving me my coat. "Just ask Edna nicely for it and she'll give it
to you."
by sarahsuk | | The Keeper of Maraqua: GenesisShe had never seen Queen Aangeela before, nor
had she seen been in the Palace of Maraqua. Micella hadn't even seen the Palace
up close.
by jedimaster891 | | Trini’s Band"What homework?" Ramoose replied. He gazed at
their owner. "Being in a band sounds kind of fun. What d'you think, SeaZ0ne?"
by ladyariel32 | | Gunza the CrybabyHe had tried to be tough and cool like the other
Grarrls in his grade. He was supposed to be one of the most feared Neopets,
for Sloth's sake! But he just couldn't muster up the courage to bully an Acara
out of her lunch money.
by tree_rhymer | | Gadsgadsbogen MysteriesMoonstripe smiled contentedly, for it was the
best tasting berry she had ever eaten! It was sweeter than the ripest chocato,
and juicier than a juicy berry that was filled to the brim.
by hamman155 | | The Lost Ball "I can't find my Big Bouncy Ball," LadysShadow
told him, and he sighed. "I've looked everywhere."
by thecatlady | | Unforgotten DespairA sinister thought flashed through his mind.
Ditzy really belonged to his little sister but since she and a friend had gone
on vacation to Mystery Island for the week, he was forced to look after the
sickly sweet Ona.
by ginger23456 | | Grarrls Just Wanna Have FunTears welled up in her eyes as she looked outside
at the picnic tables. The party was there, but no one else was there.
by beau_lis |
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Never Too Old!
Greetings, fellow Neopians! I'm here to address a very important issue with you, an issue that many are confused about. It's a subject that I see brought up on a constant basis. Nearly every time I visit the message boards I see a post relating to it in some way. Getting curious?...
Other Stories
The Neo-Rakarr: Part One Kokyu knew something was wrong. He had sensed
the flash of wrongness in Aihami's direction, and as he read her glance clearly
he thought he could guess the cause of the trouble...
by shelleylow |