Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 90,556,237 Issue: 160 | 1st day of Collecting, Y6
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Freaky Factory is Awesome!

by lamenesspersonified

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Opportunity Knocks But Once
Using the Kadoatery to your advantage...

by kichiko28


Gunza the Crybaby
He had tried to be tough and cool like the other Grarrls in his grade. He was supposed to be one of the most feared Neopets, for Sloth's sake! But he just couldn't muster up the courage to bully an Acara out of her lunch money.

by tree_rhymer


Going Bananas
Sometimes picking a Petpet isn't easy...

by cassieleigh4242


I gotta new avatar!

by amg77

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