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The Invisible and Invincible Space Faerie

by scorpio005


Name: Space Faerie

Species: Faerie

Age: Older than you can imagine

Occupation: Rescuing Neopia from Intergalactic predators.

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, and Neopets of all kinds! Over the past week or so, it has been brought to my attention that a certain faerie has failed to be seen over the past few months. Now you may be wondering which faerie that indeed is. If you are wondering which faeries invisible presence (does that make sense?) I am speaking of you are surely blind. Look at the title of this article for Pete sake’s! Anyhow, yes, it is in fact the Space Faerie of whom I speak. Where in the name of Eliv Thade has she gone?! I have become quite curious as to her whereabouts, and over the past few days have recorded some reasons on why I, as well as other Neopians, think the Space Faerie is hiding herself. I mean, who wouldn’t want to see her? She lives in space!! Well anyways, here are some of my top 10 reasons:

1) She is taking a long needed rest from the raging battle between herself and the notorious and evil, Dr. Sloth.

2) She sits in hiding until Dr. Sloth returns, and then shows herself once more to defeat him…again.

3) She is self-conscious about her invisible legs, (I mean who wouldn’t be? It’s bad for getting dates).

4) A gang of Evil Fuzzles is holding her captive.

5) She’s having a hard time shopping for clothes…remember she has no legs.

6) She’s planning her own type of quests. Example: Illusen’s, Jhudora’s etc.

7) She’s inventing a new special kind of battle weapon and armor to put up for sale. * Trademark SpF * (Space Faerie)

8) She’s starting a new plot!

9) Other faerie’s make fun of her so she hides from their snide remarks.

10) She’s getting a really, really…REALLY big makeover..?

Well, those were my fabulous ideas, but still I wasn’t fully convinced. I needed some more ideas and feedback, because you can never have enough feedback when writing an article! So I decided I would take my search a little further, and began to question random people around Neopia. Some of the things people had to say were a little too gruesome to be shown here, but thanks for trying anyways! Here are some of the conclusions that made it to this article.

“I think the Space Faerie is hiding herself because she is a peaceful faerie. She hides herself because she does not want to be caught up in the wars of the Earth.” – hestia98315_98315 (Very logical indeed!)

“She’s too busy having a good time with her price charming who is a space/gravity surfer.”- roxygirl_9652 (Hey! I want to meet this “Prince Charming”!)

“She does not want a sunburn…. wait, is there sun in Neopia?”- dawn_keeper (Just as a side note dawn_keeper, yes there is).

“She’s just really rare!”- vixxen90210 (You make her seem like a trading card! Although… it’s somewhat true).

“She hates gravity.”- hillaryduffluver2210 (That’s reasonable!)

“She is hiding because of a hideous pimple on her face.”- kirbyrockz (..Very interesting. I guess it has its…possibilities).

And last but certainly not least…

“She ate too much and she is now bouncing around space.”- ultrablasteralice (So that’s what that thing was…)

Although some of these so called “conclusions” may seem a tad…far-fetched, we can never be too sure. There may yet be truth in one of these many statements throughout Neopia. Maybe the Space Faerie is in hiding. If she is, I think the residents of Neopia should work together as one group united to help persuade her to show herself once more. Even if we have to get Sloth to start another war for her to come out!! No, that would be cruel. Except for all those Dr. Sloth lovers out there. Hey, we all have our little obsessions at some time ore another don’t we? Right now mine is the lovely, and heavily missed SPACE FAERIE!! Come out come out wherever you are! Where is that darned faerie?!! It’s almost like the search for Carmen San Diego!

Besides being one of the prettiest faeries, the Space Faerie is indeed one of the most powerful of faeries! She lives among the stars! HOW COOL IS THAT? She also has mental telepathy powers. Does any other faerie have that? No, I didn’t think so! Also, if it weren’t for her, we’d all be slaving our bums off for that evil Dr. Sloth! So if you do see her around, give her a great big thank you from all of Neopia! Now, it’s also said that she feels the pain when Neopets are in harms way. So no matter what, she’ll be there when you need her. All except for LATELY! Where could she be?

Now you’d think that a faerie from space that saved Neopia from mass destruction, would have more than two greeting cards named after her, a Space Faerie Bean Bag, and a stamp. Think again. Now maybe I am slightly over exaggerating, but you can tell me that or not! I don’t see much Space Faerie merchandise at all anymore! Has she been totally forgotten? Has she been thrown aside as if she were simply a play toy that’s only ever brought out for Neopia’s needs, and then thrown back into the toy chest for another few years? If so, I am ashamed we take things for granted so easily! Although I must confess, if she does not show herself soon, then my faith in her will have dried up like a well in a few months time! So, wherever you are Space Faerie, and Neopia’s savior, show yourself soon!

Well seeing as the Space Faerie doesn’t seem to want to show herself anytime soon * pouts *, I will end this here. First of all though, I wish to thank the many Neopians who helped me clear up some of the fog in my search for this seemingly invisible faerie. It was greatly appreciated!

One more thing as well….


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