Meow Circulation: 113,881,443 Issue: 159 | 24th day of Gathering, Y6
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Life Lessons

by xtrat

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My eyes scanned the title below, which read, "Maraquan Draik". I knew that a Draik was a type of pet, and Maraquan was a color they could be painted, so I figured she wanted one.

by chibifi3d


Nice Puppy?
BOW BEFORE THIS...hum...queen?

by asusse


Just An Ordinary Day With A Psychopathic Broom
He didn't take notice into it at first, but when the shaking felt as if it were heading towards him, Midnight knew something was wrong.

by blubblub317


A Tale of Two Brothers
"Just like you youngling's, never thinkin' o' the consequences," a quiet, gravelly voice remarked from behind the Wocky. Startled, he spun around and found himself face-to-face with a grey, scarred old Ixi, who was watching him with apparent interest.

by direpantheon

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