Street-Side Carolers by belldandy213
Shops were garnished with garlands of holly and bright Christmas
lights, and the children and pets were all laughing with cheer and joy. Pets were
caroling around the streets and making snowmen in the park. Little pets where
sitting in their bed, writing their letters to Santa Claus, and hoping for their
greatest Christmas dreams. Even the less-fortunate Neopians gained a sense of
jolly spirit as the Holidays approached closer and closer.
Elise, a pretty little pink Zafara, was no exception
to the festive spirit. She had been looking forward to the holidays since after
the last holiday season drew to a close, for Christmas was, by far, her favorite
holiday. Sure, Halloween was a real blast and Easter Negg hunts always were
a joy, but nothing could have been better than Christmastime. She loved to ice
skate in the park and drink hot cocoa by the fireplace, picturesque things that
were completely unique to wintertime. It was hard to believe that anybody could
hate this joyous time of year. However, that was true until Elise discovered
a miserable recluse by the name of Elizabeth James.
Never could Elise have thought that anybody
could hate Christmas as much as her lonely neighbor, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne James,
did. The Red Chia absolutely loathed the holiday, along with all associated
with it. Every single year, Mrs. James would become peculiarly moody around
the holidays and yell at every pet in the city that passed her way. Elise's
owner said that something very bad happened to her around Christmas some time
ago, and that, every Christmas after that, she remembered this and did not celebrate.
She forever lived in a memory. Elise always wondered if somebody opened their
heart to her around the Holidays, maybe, just maybe, she too would feel the
way the whole of Neopia did about Christmas.
One day, about a week before Christmas, Elise
was busily putting up Christmas lights in on the windows, when she saw a rare
site. Mrs. James was watching her from her yard: just staring.
Elise made a friendly smile and greeted her
neighbor, "Merry Christmas, Mrs. James! Are you doing well?"
Mrs. James scowled. She snapped with a cold,
sharp voice, "Well? Of course not, the holidays are here, and everybody's so
happy… They don't even miss him…"
Elise, with much curiosity, asked, "Him? Who
is that…?"
The old Chia replied, "Nothing… nobody… I should
not have said that… really…"
Elise, sensing a lot of pain and sorrow in her
voice, quickly began to pity the old red Chia. Something about old Mrs. James
made Elise feel really full of sympathy. It made her feel like crying.
Elise answered her sadly, "Well, I'll be seeing
you then. Have a Merry Christmas …"
The batty old Chia flashed a peculiar half-smile
at Elise, and opened the door to the secluded world that was her own home. Elise
couldn't help but think that somehow, someway she did love the holidays deep
inside her heart, but she was afraid to show this love. Maybe she could open
up her heart to the holidays, so she, too, could once again enjoy the jolly
festivities. Setting aside that thought for later, Elise continued to put up
the lights until the house was all "aglow" with Christmas cheer.
* * *
The next day, Elise was walking down the main
shopping road of Neopia Central when she saw Mrs. James gazing longingly at
the front of a shop, were carolers were singing. She stepped behind a rose bush
near the shop to get a closer look at the sight. The old Chia seemed to be looking
at a group of carolers singing in front of the shop in unison. As Mrs. James
looked at these carolers, tears began to trickle down from her eyes. She was
The carolers must have reminded Elise's neighbor
of something horrible. Although Elise could not imagine what seemed so horrible
about ten pets singing in a corner, sharing happiness together, she was no mind-reader,
and therefore had no right to make false assumptions about the Chia in order
to contemplate the mystery behind those tears. The Zafara watched as her neighbor
walked away silently from the scene.
Suddenly, Elise heard from behind her, "Hey,
Elise? What're you doing hiding behind a bush?"
Elise, who was startled, fell backwards on the
floor from her kneeling position. Sitting back up, she cried, "Ouch! Melina,
why'd you have to sneak up on me like that?"
Melina was Elise's best friend. She could be
a pest at times, but overall, the faerie Aisha was a great friend and only meant
the best…
Melina replied, with a wild grin on her face,
"Well, I just wanted to mess with your brain… You know, I like the occasional
laugh too."
Elise did not respond… she still was staring
at the carolers, thinking of Mrs. James.
Sensing Elise's distraction, Melina inquired,
"Elise, what's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"
Elise nodded her head. She responded quietly,
"Mrs. James…"
Melina cried, "What? That old hag? What're you
thinking about her for?"
Elise, still gazing avidly at the carolers (clearly
ignoring what Melina was saying), whispered in a very despondent tone, "Mrs.
James… I wonder what's wrong with Mrs. James…"
Melina tried to catch her friend's attention,
Elise turned to Melina. She said, "Melina, would
you like to go caroling?"
Taken aback, Melina said, "Um… I guess so…"
Elise looked all around, and she smiled. She
cheeringly cried, "We can carol our hearts content, and we will still do good.
Don't you love the holidays?"
Melina responded with a reassuring grin, "Yes
I do!"
The twosome happily walked together to gather
their friends for caroling, knowing that they were in for some very happy Holidays
* * *
About ten young pets were there that day, all
caroling their hearts content. Dressed up in their long woolen scarves; green,
heavy winter coats; and red Santa Paws hats, they set off door to door to sing
melodies of joy and cheer for all of Neopia's ears to hear. House to house they
went, singing carols of all kinds.
And so, the friends commenced to walk down the
snowy road. They rang the doorbell of the first house. The door opened, and
they sang their first Christmas carol:
"You better watch out,
You better not cry,
You better not shout,
I'm telling you why:
Santa Paws is coming to Neopia.
He sees you when you're sleeping,
He knows when you're awake,
He knows when you've been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake!
It seemed every single house on the street was
bedecked in Christmas lights and garlands of holly. However, there was one without
a single hint of decoration. The home of Mrs. Elizabeth Ann James remained undecorated
and bare.
That poor lady… Elise thought, as she walked
toward the house. The least we could do is carol to her to brighten her spirits
a bit.
That was exactly what they did. They rang the
doorbell of the red Chia's house. A minute lapsed by until they felt the door
swing open. Mrs. James stood behind the door watching them. A moment of silence…
The red Chia screeched, "What do you want?"
The young pets, unsure of what to do, stared
blankly at her. All of a sudden, Elise burst into song. Her friends turned right
and left, confused, they joined in:
"Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
In Happy Valley, snow is glistening.
A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is the tax beast.
He'll say, 'Are you crazy?' We'll say, 'Yes,
'But that's why you're stealing our Christmas
In the land we'll conspire, as we dream by the
To face unafraid, we need mental aid…
Walking in a winter wonderland!"
Mrs. James glared at the young carolers. When
she was about to move her mouth to speak, she paused. She adjusted her spectacles
to take a glance at Elise.
She pointed her finger at the Zafara She said
with a cold, harsh voice, "You there, come over inside! The rest of you can
go away…"
Elise walked cautiously up the front step. Her
blood ran cold when the shrill voice of the old hag sounded. Though she certainly
felt pity for the old one, it was true that she certainly was quite scary. The
others looked upon Elise with great sympathy, as they despondently walked off
into the distance.
Elise watched the door shut. The fragrance of
Mrs. James' house smelled of petpets and perfume. The distasteful drapery was
the color of maroon, and the wallpaper, a horrible brown. The floor covering
was a gaudy yellow lace. The Zafara cringed. Elise hated the whole air of the
place. Accordingly, she hid her feelings with a grin, one that seemed sarcastic
enough, however the Chia simply did not notice.
The Chia pulled up a tattered purple armchair
in the corner to her table. "Sit down, child," she said.
Elise sat. "I will, thank you," she said gratefully.
Her legs were frail from trudging through the snow daylong.
The Chia grinned and put on her spectacles.
She laughed. "Well, I know that you guys must've been tired out there doing
whatever you were doing, but nevertheless…" Mrs. James remarked.
Elise looked up. She asked, "Nevertheless… what?"
Mrs. James sneered nastily, "You should not
be knocking the door of an old lady's house while she was asleep to sing a bunch
of silly little Christmas carols!"
Elise blushed. She cried with much embarrassment,
"I'm sorry, we had no idea-!"
The old Chia said bitterly, "It was still ever
so rude. I'm sure your owner would be ashamed of you if he found out."
The Zafara blinked. She said reluctantly, "Yes…
He would…"
Suddenly, the Zafara noticed a picture of a
young red Chia and a little boy on the wall. They were smiling, wearing Santa
Paws hats and woolen mittens, and playing happily in the white snow. Seeing
Elise staring at the picture, Mrs. James saddened.
Elise sensed her despondence. She inquired, "Ma'am,
am I making you cry?"
The Chia turned her head to her. She answered,
"No, child, it is not you that is making me cry. It is merely the memory of
the picture that you now see that brings me to tears."
Elise questioned, "And… what is that?"
Mrs. James said, "Well, it was a long time ago…
but many, many years ago, I had an owner named Mark. Oh! The laughs we shared…
He loved the holidays, especially Christmas. We loved to carol on the streets
on Christmas, and drink hot chocolate in the ice skating rink. Christmas would
never be Christmas without him. However, one day, about three days before Christmas,
he came home from school wheezing and coughing. He thought it was merely a cold.
However, he had truly fallen ill. The next day, he was brought to the hospital.
He must've stayed there for a day or so, hoping to be cured, but he only got
worse and worse.
"On Christmas Eve, just as he was dying, my owner
called for me, and begged of me to sit by his bedside. I did so. When he saw
I was crying, he laughed weakly and said, 'What's wrong, Lizzie? I'm doing better
already. Just wait… you'll see! I'll be up and running in no time… just watch
me! Just remember, don't have Christmas without me… Wait for me!' I wanted to
believe him. Believe me, I did… but he only got worse. Through all the pain
he went through, all he said was, 'Don't have Christmas without me…'
"At the last moment all of a sudden he cried
faintly, 'Don't… Don't have Christmas without me… Wait… Wait for me… Don't…
Don't… Don't have Christmas…' He died that moment. And so I did not. The moment
I returned home, I smashed all the ornaments, toppled the tree, and threw away
the stockings. My tears followed behind me, as I destroyed Christmas. That year
I did not celebrate the holidays… nor did I ever again."
There was resounding silence. Elise cried sadly,
"I'm so, so sorry… I had no idea… I…"
Mrs. James said, "That's okay The past cannot
be made up for… He will never come back."
Elise sighed. She remarked, "You know, he is
always with you."
Mrs. James said, "What? How is that true if he
is dead?"
Elise said, "He cared about you. Because of that,
his spirit is watching over you at every second. His memories are in you… He
has lingered on inside your heart."
Mrs. James said, "Is that so? I never realized…"
Elise said, "Yes… For that reason, you will be
keeping your promise if you celebrate Christmas, trust me."
Mrs. James said gratefully, "Thank you so much…
I am forever in debt of you…"
Elise replied, "No, really… I just do not want
to see you burdened with your memories."
The old red Chia smiled at Elise. She said, "Merry
Christmas, to you… and bless you…"
Elise cried, "Merry Christmas, Mrs. James. Bless
you too!"
And with that, Elise stepped out into the white
snow with cheer and happiness.
* * *
Elise woke up on Christmas Day cheerfully. She
stepped carefully out of her bed covers and scurried quickly to the Christmas
tree. Underneath the splendor of the carefully wrapped presents and the beautiful
ornaments lay a small message written in pen on the floor.
It said:
"To Miss Elise Brown,
A good friend of yours, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann James,
passed away this morning. Before her death, she asked us to deliver this message
to you.
The Neopian Hospital"
A small letter was attached. Elise's paws quivered
as she read the letter:
"Elise, thank you ever so much for freeing me
from my past. I will soon be seeing my owner again, as my hours now run short.
Remember that you must never give up hope. If one day you have a love one that
dies, don't let it kill your life. Always believe in Christmas and love Christmas…
For, you will always find joy and healing in the melodies of the holidays.
Elise looked up. She could have sworn she heard
a chorus of Angels singing on high, welcome all to rejoice in the holiday. She
saw the star on her Christmas tree light up and fade, as she experienced what
was the true spirit of Christmas in her midst.
Merry Christmas
The End