Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Ekul The Erratic Red Chia!

by lukeneedsatrim

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Hannah Meets Hannah: Part Two
"Something on your mind, Hannah Jewel?" asked Slushie Jewel. "Whenever you sigh like that, you're thinking about something…"

by alicia_jewel


My Little Angels
New Years confetti insanity!

by colhan3000


Wish for something bigger!

by bluecloud300


The Allegory of the Oatmeal
"Um, well, I was wondering if maybe you could buy me a pirate paint brush, since I've been such a good Krawk lately," he wheedled, a hopeful glimmer in his large yellow eyes. Sunny raised an eyebrow.

by battlesunn

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