Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 164,193,775 Issue: 173 | 14th day of Sleeping, Y7
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Short Stories

Frozen Hearts

"Do not expose yourself to the cold just yet, Taelia," it advised her. "I know I must seem suspicious to you, but you must understand that I want nothing more than to help you."

by worldcool

With a dash, the Meerca was on her bed. "Ha, ha, ha! You can't catch me! You'll never catch me!" He made a few funny faces as he bounced up and down on her silk covers.

by shadowcristal

"I'm not talking about a regular game of Sprouts," Misha informed her friend. "I'm talking about a game of Sprouts with the Brain Tree."

by extreme_fj0rd
The Ancient Prophecy

They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it. However, it was also foretold that a protector must be assigned to this certain pet, and that certain protector would be his brother.

by dudetti
Moving On, the Loss of a Petpet

I flew into Hiterkuna's room and found the young Zafara cradling a sickly looking Meepit in her arms. She looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

by smurfafied1800

She's just about as different from me as humanly possible. Graceful and elegant, Sara wows everyone on the ice with just a few cross-overs, while I have to do flips to get a little attention.

by elvishwanderer
The Great Prank War

I am a handsome red Wocky with a great sense of humor. Oddly enough, others don't always seem to think so, usually when they are on the receiving end of one of my many practical jokes… Oh well. It's their loss.

by acexofxspades
The Allegory of the Oatmeal

"Um, well, I was wondering if maybe you could buy me a pirate paint brush, since I've been such a good Krawk lately," he wheedled, a hopeful glimmer in his large yellow eyes. Sunny raised an eyebrow.

by battlesunn
Of Muffin Outfits and Hired Entertainers

“Let’s blow up Faerieland!” Romy waited for Cappilus’s reaction. This was, by far, her best plan yet!

by kikyo366
Cake Catastrophe

"Can we just hide it now?" said Snip irritably. He snatched the detrimental boxed cake from his boss and tossed it into the open window of the Bakery.

by precious_katuch14
The P-Word

"You forgot to tell me my name."

by simsman24000
Out of Time

Rose had to stay in the hospital while Kuarii had to live at home alone. Every day when he came home, he returned to the lonely darkness. No longer was there a greeting or a hug to make him feel welcome at home...

by mexicanpuppyof_fire
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"The Ancient Prophecy" by dudetti
They knew who it would be, but they also understood that they could not do much about it...

Other Stories


Kicking Back at the Kadoatery
The Kadoatery is where Kadoaties go when their owners are on holiday. It's a nice place, but it doesn't take long for them to get lonely.

by tyleraapje


The Neopets TCG: Hannah and the Ice Caves
This expansion introduces new cards called Fate cards. There are two types of Fate cards, Quests and Curses.

by slickninja


Notable: Part Two
Mala opened the object, a case, and shrieked happily. "Is this what I think this is?"

by pandabearb


Lost Legacies: The Amulets - Part Six
"But how are we going to get into the castle? You don't even know where that bookshelf is!"

by diamond_rox


Speck the Speckled
Nice try...

by cheetah_kougra


The Pet Patrol Revolution
Paint brushes aren't what they used to be...

by neo_tomi

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