Darkness Binding 4: Part Four by nomad2
The council of shadow, now having the total focus on the
room, thought about whether or not one or all will now tell their part in the
subject of the trial. They each exchanged a glance to one another, carefully considering
what to do. They knew not how it will affect the outcome of the trial, nor did
they know who could best counter the arguments given against them.
Creator looked up at Fyora and announced, "I
offer to speak of the matter on behalf of the entire council of shadow."
Harnessed then looked to Creator and said, "I
believe we must each tell our interpretation. I vote on individual testimony."
Pure looked at her feet and quietly said, "I
trust Creator to speak for us. Let him be our voice."
Inhabited shook his head and said, "We all have
our own voices. I say we all speak."
Twisted looked away from the other for a moment.
There was a silence amongst them until Fyora broke it with, "Twisted, it comes
down to what you say. Will you allow Creator to speak for the council, or will
you each tell your side?"
Twisted looked over to Harnessed and Inhabited.
With a calm look on his face, he told them, "We must put our faith in Creator.
I say let him speak for us, and trust the leader we have trusted for so long."
The others remained quiet as Creator stepped
forward. He gave a bow to Fyora before telling everyone, "I would like to start
off by saying there are no regrets we should have. When dealing with such forces,
it is understood among us that we were to bury our remorse to keep from being
corrupted by it."
Yorvick, in an outburst of anger, yelled, "Is
that your justification for being so heartless!"
Fyora jerked her head in Yorvick's direction
and said in a demanding tone, "Let him speak. We will all act civilized in this
After she returned her gaze to Creator, and
Yorvick loosened up and leaned against the wall, Creator said, "When Cray came
to the council to discuss Skotados, we knew the shadow had entered our plane.
The uncontrolled force of its darkness was felt all the way in the frozen north.
When a shadow joins with a Neopian, their physical forms fuse together to become
one entity. Even though their minds are not one, there is no way to tear them
apart. The only possible ways of separation are, well, forbidden for their cruelty.
As for Cray, we did not want him to die, but it was a necessity. Before his
death, the shadow in this room spoke of war with our plane. That would have
the same effect as their exodus, being the destruction of balance, which would
destroy us all. His sacrifice saved the world, and we honor him for it. It is
true that we could have recovered him, but the price for it was too great for
us to do. We only thought of the greater good for all Neopia."
The room was quiet for a moment until Fyora
asked, "Did you realize the shadow entered our plane in the beginning? You seem
to have ignored the very beginning of the problems."
Creator slowly shook his head and answered,
"No, we were unaware of that. There was a second where we thought something
was wrong, but it was our belief that it was the Shadow Usul fighting someone
in the Battledome, seeing as how that one does that from time to time."
Fyora rose an eyebrow and then questioned, "And
sending Cray to talk to shadow instead of doing so yourself?"
Creator gave a small cough before he responded,
"Well, he was the only one who interacted with a shadow. That made him the best
candidate, and our only hope for keeping them from entering our plane. We did
considering going ourselves, but we didn't have the edge that Cray did."
Fyora continued to have his somewhat puzzled
look on her face as she looked down at Creator. Lastly, she asked, "What about
Inhabited? She had contact with a shadow some twenty-five years ago. Did not
even she remember that?"
Inhabited looked away, both knowing and regretting
the council's decision to let just one speak. She wanted to defend herself,
but couldn't due to the laws of the trial. Under her breath, she even muttered
something to herself quiet enough where no one heard her.
Creator told Fyora, "As you should well know,
my queen, the circumstances of Inhabited's encounter were...unique. It is hardly
fair to compare the two incidents. Besides, Cray knew the shadow who came through
and started the incident. We did not get the chance to meet this shadow."
Fyora nodded to Creator, "Thank you for your
testimony, Creator. Before a decision is considered, I must ask if there are
any remaining statements or questions anyone can think of. This will be the
last time anything can be added."
Jhudora looked at Creator and asked, "How did
you not notice the link between the shadow and Skotados after the shadow as
sent back?"
Creator looked at her and answered, "It was
too weak of a signature. The link was most likely kept inside of Skotados, so
it was able to keep isolated."
"But it's still a tear between planes, which
is always strong," she added.
Creator simply said, "I have no response to
that statement."
Jhudora then asked, "Why did you not consider
bathing Skotados in a pocket of shadows? That should have sustained the shadow
enough where it would not have such a strong hold on the host. By nature, shadows
do not cling to their food when they have had their fill."
"It was not willing," he replied. "And it was
not like we could grab Skotados and throw him in. If it were there by accident
and wanted to go home, that would have made things easier."
Yorvick harshly told Creator, "I was able to
knock him out. He could have been put in a shadow pocket in that state. Instead,
you say nothing and let him die. You should have said there was a way."
Creator yelled back, "There was not enough time
for preparation. He would have woken up long before you even got him to the
temple, let alone get a shadow pocket ready to put him in."
Fyora screamed to everyone, "That's enough!"
Everyone become quiet, and she continued calmly, "The time for questions and
statements is now over. I will leave to think over the situation alone, and
be back shortly with my decision. Wait here quietly and don't get into any arguments
or else the guards will escort you to your rooms."
Fyora stood up and walked past the council as
they stepped to the side. When he left the room, the doors slowly shut, leaving
everyone standing around inside. For nearly twenty minutes, which seemed much
longer to everyone, they wondered what the decision will be. The most calm one
was the shadow, who was only so calm because twenty minutes is nothing compared
to the eternity his kind spends in his native plane.
When even the faeries who were observing seemed
to be restless, the doors opened again as Fyora entered the room. As usual,
she sat upon her throne and looked upon everyone in the area. "Sorry that took
so long," was the first thing she said to everyone.
Creator looked up at her and asked, "What is
your decision on this matter?"
Fyora kept a straight face as she announced,
"It is my belief that the council of shadow did not properly perform the duties
they were sworn to. It is also my belief that the deaths caused by their decisions
could have been prevented if all options were considered."
Yorvick's face lit up, and the shadow seemed
to look up as if relieved. The council, on the other hand, looked down. Twisted
mumbled under his breath and Creator looked devastated by Fyora's words.
"It is therefore my decision," she continued,
"that the council be disbanded permanently. Now, because of the services they
have provided us in the past, they will not spend any time in prison for the
deaths caused, but their power will no longer be permitted to be used. The disciples
in the canyon will be able to continue their practices, but on their own time
in their own homes. They will, however, have to leave the canyon and pursue
their lives as they were before. As for the temple itself, its energies will
be removed and it will stand abandoned until time weathers it down. I wish the
five of you luck on building your new lives, for your old ones will do you no
Pure cried out, "The council was all we had.
This decision destroys everything we've ever done."
Fyora responded, "I am being sympathetic right
now. The decision could have been much worse considering you destroyed the lives
of others."
Creator asked in a frustrated manner, "And what
of balance? Without a council, who will keep them in check? Answer me that."
Fyora answered, "Jhudora will watch over Neopia,
and the shadow next to her will watch it from within. Together, I am confident
they will do well with the task."
The shadow nodded its head, "I thank you, corporeal.
Perhaps this will keep me from being so bored in the shadow plane."
Jhudora responded, "Well, it's more work, but
it needs to be done. I suppose I can do it."
Fyora told them all, "That is all for the matter.
You are dismissed."
Everyone left Fyora's throne with the exception
of Yorvick, who remained where he was during the trial. She looked over and
asked him, "Was there something else, Yorvick?"
"One thing," Yorvick said, "I want Cray's grave
brought to Mystery Island. I want it placed next to where Skotados lies. I am
sure Cray would have wanted to stay with his friend instead of in the frozen
Fyora slowly nodded, "Very well. I will have
it arranged that his coffin and headstone be transferred. I hope you find peace
Without anything more, Yorvick left the room.
There was no more business to attend to, so he returned to Mystery Island with
a burden feeling it was just lifted from his shoulders. It was as if there was
peace once more.
Three days later, Yorvick stood in front of
the two graves of his friends. He looked down at them with a straight face.
"Cray, I know you learned from the council, but they weren't what they seemed.
I am sure you will be able to rest in peace now that the focus of your powers
are no longer bound to their influence. And Skotados, I am sorry I did what
I did. I was blind, and I hope your spirit can forgive me. I have righted what
I could, and now both of you are not where you are in vain. I will visit you
two often, my old friends."
That night, Yorvick went to sleep, and it was
the best night of sleep he ever had.
The End