Meow Circulation: 175,011,522 Issue: 375 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Marquis's "Adventure"

by 00_narnia_00

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She had been at the hobby shop, picking up more yarn. This week's Random Contest was about knitting, and she was set on knitting the perfect Mynci doll, no matter what.

Co-authored by siamesegoth2

by lobstrosities


Doglefox Duets: The Game

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


Usuki Star: Part Four
"You don't even know if you can participate in the contest, Rose," Ali stated. "Don't get your hopes up."

by cheeseworld101


Thing: Part Two
But not today. She couldn't stand seeing that stupid petpet again. Besides, maybe a walk would clear her head.

by haahaa113

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