Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 175,011,522 Issue: 375 | 16th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Short Stories


She had been at the hobby shop, picking up more yarn. This week's Random Contest was about knitting, and she was set on knitting the perfect Mynci doll, no matter what.

Co-authored by siamesegoth2

by lobstrosities

The Somewhat Faerie

She didn't have the neopoints or the skill to run something which would make a difference. She'd need the support of the Faerie Council before she could do anything.

by buds_and_authors

Sometimes the path to insanity is closer than you think.

by thedarkestwocky
The Blessing of the Earth Faerie

Calyenta stammered to him, "Our, our m-mother asked us to pick some berries for her to bake a pie with!"

by dragaen_faerie
The Ex-Agent

He sighed as he remembered the last time he'd sat in a park. He'd been waiting for an associate to drop off a key which would allow him to unlock a safe...

by punctuation_ninja
Jelly World Does Not Exist

"Does Kreludor REALLY revolve around Neopia? Or is it Neopia that revolves around Kreludor? Are we sure the sky is blue?"

by ginny_invisible
Slushie Snag

Tintilla, Coarse, and Ember walked to the front door of the slushie shop. Ember was talking to Coarse while Tintilla yelled random nonsense.

by theschizophrenicpunk
Sloth is My Mindless Slave

Along came a guy with a net. I thought that was a pretty good idea. Having a long reach would be advantageous at the Money Tree.

by argetl
Sapphire's Stories: Ordinarily Discontent

"The medicine costs 105,000 NP. How in Neopia do you expect to pay for it if you always gamble on turdles?"

by kathleen_kate
Mutant Kindergartener?

It's Darrel's first day of school, but he has to face lots of teasing because of his color.

by kittytamer99
Never Liked My Name Before

"It's not a bad name. You know Mom loves to make up names. She doesn't like numbers."

by dogaspets
The Merry Adventures of a Christmas Lupe

Strolling through Neopia Central, McClaws sought to refill his glass of Neggnog. Alas, the only shoppe that had any was the antique shoppe...

by thorandsifforever
Midnight Flight

The Quintilc blinked. All was going according to plan.

by athousandpapercranes
Warring with Sloth

I took one last look at my colorful Robot Xweetok casings in the mirror (through the visor, of course) and trotted downstairs to find Rainy rummaging for a coat in the closet.

by raining_shadow
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"The Merry Adventures of a Christmas Lupe" by thorandsifforever
McClaws sought to refill his glass of Neggnog. Alas, the only shoppe that had any was the antique shoppe, charging several thousand for the once abundant drink, claiming that now it was a retired rarity. This was far too much for the Christmas Lupe, who had...

Other Stories


What Color Is Your Owner?
What do you and your owner spend time doing?

by writingkid


Put the Pieces Together
Think of it like a mosaic. Each piece has a different place where it goes, and it is up to you to find out how to put them together.

by iloenchen


Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Eight
"Nobody told us that the ancient pharaoh Anubits himself was guarding the Altar of Destiny," she whispered gravely. "We had no choice but to fight him..."

by precious_katuch14


A Faerie Tale: War - Part Eight
Illusen heard the battle begin above her. The Queen's army had returned...

by herdygerdy


A Dose of Neopia
I don't think he's gonna win...

by sasukes4ever


The After Party
A good way to get what you want, after Christmas.

by dragon_nut64

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