A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,178,063 Issue: 374 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Rule of Ruki

by zombye

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The Horror! Clean Your SDB and Live To Tell The Tale
What would you do with all that junk?

by asaneth


The Tale of Trueshot
Rayn Trueshot stood a few meters away, firing endless arrows at the target, and keeping Delwood awake with the sound.

by teddybearofdeath


My Special Round Notebook
She said it was good to write down what you feel about things, because then you don't get as angry or scared because it's like talking to a very best friend...

by paperhippo


From Within
The school that I go to stands out because it's red and it's at the top of a little hill. It's nice to be able to see it from a bit of a distance, because you'd never get lost on the way there.

Also by grapesourhorse

by chirigami

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