Meow Circulation: 175,178,063 Issue: 374 | 9th day of Sleeping, Y11
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Short Stories

How the Breadmaster Came to Be

Eata loafa breada day!

by chat_adik
Strawberry Blonde

The red Gelert, named Oreo123131, had no idea what to do. It had been a year since Landen, her owner, had vanished without warning.

by hmlanden
The Tale of Trueshot

Rayn Trueshot stood a few meters away, firing endless arrows at the target, and keeping Delwood awake with the sound.

by teddybearofdeath
Leaving the Cocolos

He wrote the lyrics for every Cocolos song. He was especially proud of his latest piece, "Juppie Clouds."

by tikisplat
My Little Sister

"What if no one cared about how they were perceived by others?"

by sheyda_sheyda
A Tail of Two Krawks

He spoke only four words, but it had sent his friend into complete and total shock. Those words? "Let's bug Jhudora today."

by o_liveandlearn_o
From Within

The school that I go to stands out because it's red and it's at the top of a little hill. It's nice to be able to see it from a bit of a distance, because you'd never get lost on the way there.

Also by grapesourhorse

by chirigami

The Misadventures of Yaru

"I seem to recall telling you to clean your room." He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was furious.

by sir_serene
A Push in the Right Direction

I was standing on the peak of Terror Mountain, clutching my ski poles as hard as I could...

by yaruuna813
A Lonely Kiko

Nobody stopped to greet him. Nobody stopped to ask who he was. Nobody stopped to find out why he was there. They were not even aware of his presence.

by mudkippikdum
My Special Round Notebook

She said it was good to write down what you feel about things, because then you don't get as angry or scared because it's like talking to a very best friend...

by paperhippo
Haunted Resolutions

"So," Sam greeted Jo brightly. "What's your New Year's resolution?"

by nimras23
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"Leaving the Cocolos" by tikisplat
He wrote the lyrics for every Cocolos song. He was especially proud of his latest piece, "Juppie Clouds," and actually wanted to sing it. That would mean Prupleful would have to play the drums instead of sing, so Lex decided to talk to the Kougra backstage. They were about to perform...

Other Stories


The Complete Guide To Neoboard Pens
A single pen will give you 25% extra space for your posts on the board and in both your neosignature and neoHTML.

by goldspy101


The Horror! Clean Your SDB and Live To Tell The Tale
What would you do with all that junk?

by asaneth


Yo Ho Yo Ho, A Plushie's Life For Me: Part Two
"I am a potion maker. Now, I have been searching for a plushie for quite a while to experiment with..."

by pineapple_apple


A Certain Kind Of Magic: Part Three
I would be absolutely glad to see you at work tomorrow. Come fast and at nine o'clock sharp. We shall not wait longer than fifteen minutes. At fifteen past nine, we shall fire you—if you're not there, that is.

by buds_and_authors


Literally meet Spooky
The Three Neopia REALLY has to worry about...

by pirate_cove


Talk About Random "Forgotten"
Wow! It's been a while!

by buizelmaniac

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