The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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by sloshypond

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The Whisper in the Attic
I can't see her, of course- she's invisible. But over time I learned to search for the feeling of her presence, a deep imprint in a cushion, a horseshoe-shaped mark in a layer of dust.

by sunbeams


Gadgadsbogen: The Festival of Delicious Food
There is something for everyone, when it comes to the mysterious, and sometimes magical, fruits and vegetables of the Island.

Also written by pand00

by danceswithpampers


The Downside Of Zapping
I know what you're thinking; you can't wait to get in there and start zapping your pet and finding out all the amazing things you can get.

by kelexyn


Soup of the Day

by stargirl5357

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