Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 174,678,884 Issue: 382 | 6th day of Running, Y11
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Ghost Meepits for Sale!

And they come with free warning labels!

by dragonstorm_75
Obviously Not #1

Trying out for the cheerleading squad

Drawn by marilltachiquin

by semicutie3

Meerca Chase Madness

Why do they follow him?

by sloshypond

How convenient, a vacuumfish!

Idea by earls

by moomy_x

Little Friends

Friend or foe?

by verob

Petpetpets can be quite pesky...

by blaumann
Inanimate Objects

You ever party with a mushroom?

by btcomsa12
Phantom Sisters #1 - Hotaru's Surprise

It's an easy mistake, right?

by prkoneko
The Fantasy


Also by anikkita

by _rafa_16_

Nothing Has Happened

Always talk to your pet before bringing home a new friend... and maybe a doctor too...

by ker_berethrou
Freedom to the Funny Pages - Pound

It's all underground! That's how!

by nickulla
I Hate Logic

Inflatable Balthazar has beaten you!

by yinna65

There's such a thing as saying pet too many times...

by cynzors
Zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray

This petpet has been zapped!

by _spooky_cat

All together now...

by thewizardess

Brought to you by Virtupets Insta-Grow Rays!

by ghostkomorichu
Drawing a Comic

Not a good idea, Sakura...

by tiquandowitch
Water Water Everywhere


Also by kosui

by marymao


...I'm ever so very nice to my dear pets. =D

by sketches
Something Smells Fishie

Poor, unwanted Koi Plushie...

by luckyfishie
Soup of the Day


by stargirl5357

I want a doll!

Art by cevierakasky

by jessy_lynn96

That Was Lucky

Wow, what luck!

by scattle
Say What?! 1.0

You have no ears...

by x_drey


by imthai


by _pokemon12_63
Underwater Fishing #2

When the Giant Squid avi came out...

Concept by snakeroot

by annneonet

Bored Pets

There's just no arguing with them.

by thebucketknight
What happens when... discard items?

by kath602
an untitled neopian comic

#1: NT Attempts :D

by fizzybubbles6293
Neopian Daze: Meet Urroo 2

All of your comic are belonging to us.

by blackaavar_reborn
Where Are the Grarrls?

This comic explains why there's no Grarrl Keyquest tokens YET! ;D *pokes TNT*

by _metallica13_
Search the Neopian Times


Run To Gadgadsbogen

This festival, which occurs once a year at Mystery Island during the Month of Running, is the celebration of new life, great friends, and most importantly delicious fruits and vegetables. Now, of course, I realize that not everyone enjoys eating fruit, let alone icky vegetables, but ten out of ten agree: "The fruits and vegetables of the Gadgadsbogen festival are a tasty treat for the eyes, as well as the taste buds..."

Other Stories


An Empty Cage
A small Green Ogrin smiles hopefully...

by greatmouseisi


The Whisper in the Attic
I can't see her, of course- she's invisible. But over time I learned to search for the feeling of her presence, a deep imprint in a cushion, a horseshoe-shaped mark in a layer of dust.

by sunbeams


People have even spread around "tips" for getting soup from my kitchen, no matter how rich they are!

by hilarysayshi


Daily Dare Setback and Frustration Prevention Guide
Here are some tips and strategies to help you deal with any frustration you may have, by thinking things out logically.

by you_are_my_happiness


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Yanked Yooyus - Part One
"Then how do you suggest we address the matter?" the Head of the Altador Cup Committee spat.

by playmobil_is_my_life


Regrets and Forgiveness: Part Two
"Look out, Lilly!! I'M COMING TO SAVE YOU!!" he bellowed...

by reeses_pet

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