teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 91,590,388 Issue: 174 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y7
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Down the Symol Hole

by kingrelinquished

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The Prophecy of Four: Part One
Pressing a glowing bottle into the faerie's hand, the instructions continued. "Slip this into the drinks of the faeries you wish to know the hearts of. You will see . . ."

by jade_steel


In-Depth Guide to Training Your Neopet
How do these players get stats so high? How do they beat you with weapons that never worked for you? This guide to training your pet should help a bit :)

by scalibur777


The N00bopian Times
lyk omg dis comik iz da kewlist!!!1

by cherv1


Observations of the Wild Snowickle
My purpose here is to research Snowickles in their native habitat ~ the deep recesses of the Ice Caves. As yet, few traveled in these parts, save Petpet dealers intent on selling the animals they catch.

by resurrectedwarrior

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